How to Lose Weight in the Chest & Neck

Exercise plus a nutritious diet will help you lose weight.
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Excess weight on your chest and neck can be unhealthy and uncomfortable for you. A heavy chest can lead to back pain while excess fat on your neck can make you feel like you have a turkey waddle. Although it is impossible to spot-reduce fat from any one area of your body, overall weight loss includes the chest and neck areas. Lose weight and tone up by engaging in a regular exercise program combined with a nutritious diet.

    Step 1

    Eat fewer calories than the calories you burn per day to create a calorie deficit necessary to lose fat. The Mayo Clinic states that there are approximately 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat. To lose a healthy 1-pound-per-week, you will need to create a calorie deficit of approximately 500 calories per day. Estimate how many calories you are currently taking in and how many you are burning through exercise and normal daily activity. Then create a 500-calorie deficit by eating less. This can be done, for example, by cutting out fatty foods and replacing low-calorie snacks, such as veggies, for chips and cookies.

    Step 2

    Engage in cardiovascular exercise, such as running or cycling, to burn more calories to help create your calorie deficit for weight loss. The NHS recommends that healthy adults who need to lose weight engage in more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. Incorporate three to five 30 to 60-minute cardio sessions into your weekly workout schedule.

    Step 3

    Add strength training to your workout regimen for weight loss. Strength training increases muscle mass, which revs up the metabolism for increased calorie burning. Exercises for the neck and chest will also strengthen muscles in those body regions for a tighter, more toned appearance. Aim to do two to three strength training sessions per week that target all the major muscle groups of the arms, back, chest, legs, buttocks and core. Do two to three exercises for the chest and neck per session, including chest presses and postural chin tucks without any weight.


    • Consult with a medical professional before starting any new exercise or dietary regimen that could adversely affect your health.

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