How to Write a Job Self-Assessment Report

Keep it real -- but try to turn your weaknesses into places to improve.
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We all have our bad sides -- we just don't usually like to admit to them. But in the work world, there may come a time when you're not only asked to admit to your bad stuff, but to document it. Welcome to the job self-assessment, that painful document in which you have to state your strengths and weaknesses and set new goals for the future. While it can be difficult, going through this process may actually help you clarify things you can do better -- and emphasize the things you're already doing well.

    Step 1

    Read over your job description -- if it's available -- to refresh your memory about the duties and outcomes your employer expects from you. This can help you recall what the employer thinks is important in your job, and which skills you should focus on in your job assessment. Also read over any previous self-assessments or job assessments you've taken to review goals you've set for yourself in the past, and to see whether you've made progress.

    Step 2

    Start out your job assessment report by writing out a few details of your job and your overall objective in the position. This gives your employer an idea of what you think your job entails, and gives them a chance to determine whether you're on track or you need to adjust your expectations for the job.

    Step 3

    Outline a few of the things you've achieved since your last self-assessment, and give the section a heading such as "Achievements." If your employer wants you to follow a certain format, follow it; if not, this section could be a simple list of bullet points. Following each bullet point, name the achievement and say briefly how you achieved it.

    Step 4

    Start a new section titled "Improvements, "Needs Work," or something similar. This could be another bullet-point list, but this time, review your past goals and assessments and then detail things you have yet to achieve in your job, or places in which you continually seem to be weak. Try to be honest about your limitations, yet stay positive, showing the employer that you acknowledge your weaknesses, but realize a way to improve.

    Step 5

    Create a section titled "Goals." In this section, you'll be able to address -- via another bullet-point list -- how you plan to improve on your "Needs Work" section. Use the SMART acronym to develop goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. If there is a specific date by which you want to achieve a goal, be sure to include it.


    • Throughout the course of your employment, keep a file of your accomplishments, writing down dates and details. It can be tough to remember all the strides you've made in your job -- so don't expect your boss to remember them, either. If your job assessment includes a section that allows you to write down details about your work, you can use this file to recall some of your big wins.

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