How to Write a CV for a Librarian

Library work can be challenging and exciting.
i Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

If you have a love of the written word and enjoy devouring the latest novels or non-fiction books, you might enjoy a career as a librarian. Librarians do much more than just shelve books and help patrons find materials. They're also expert researchers and many work closely with technology, including computers, audio visual equipment and the Internet. If library work sounds like the career for you, you'll need to put together your CV (curriculum vitae) to attract the interest of potential employers.

    Step 1

    Open a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or the free OpenOffice Writer (see Resources).

    Step 2

    Adjust the settings for your CV. Change the font to Times New Roman and use the same font for the entire CV. Set the font size to 12. Set the margins to 1 inch on each side, top and bottom. Number the first page and every page thereafter. Don't use any underlining or graphics.

    Step 3

    Click the "Center" button at the top of the window. Type your name on the first line of the CV. Type your name at the top of every page of your CV.

    Step 4

    Type your address on the line under your name, then type your phone number and email address on the line below that. Use a professional email address, such as [email protected].

    Step 5

    Skip a few lines, then click the "Left Justify" button to move text back to the left side of the window.

    Step 6

    Type "Education" in bold type. Type the name of the most recent school you attended, followed by the city and state of its location. Go to the next line and type your degree. Follow that with the title of your thesis or dissertation.

    Step 7

    Create a section titled "Honors and Awards" beneath the Education section, if you've received any awards. Type the name of the award, followed by the awarding organization and the year you received it. Don't list awards prior to your undergrad years. If you've received scholarships, you may list them here.

    Step 8

    Skip two lines and type "Experience" or "Professional Experience," then bold the type. Go to the next line.

    Step 9

    Type the title of your most recent job, such as "School Librarian." Bold the job title, if desired, to draw attention to it. Type the company or institution you worked for next to your job title. Next to the title, type the years you worked at that job, for example, "2003-2008" or "2009 to 2011." On the line below this, briefly list responsibilities relevant to the position for which you're applying. Start each sentence with an action verb. Use one line for each responsibility.

    Step 10

    List volunteer work, extracurricular activities or student organizations you've been involved with in the Experience section. List responsibilities in the same way you did for your paid work experience.

    Step 11

    Skip two lines and type "Professional Affiliations," if you have any. Go to the next line and list your affiliations in alphabetical order. Only include current affiliations. List only those pertinent to the job for which you're applying. Skip two more lines.

    Step 12

    List your relevant activities under the Professional Affiliations heading. Include school-sponsored activities that are specific to your library career. List both past and present activities, starting with the most recent.

    Step 13

    Skip another two lines and type "Research Experience," if you have any pertaining to your library career. List your most current research first. Also use this space to describe grant funds gained, if any.

    Step 14

    Create a category titled "Publications and Presentations." List publications, such as books or articles authored by you, as well as presentations you've given that directly relate to library work. You may list these in order of publication or by most recent. Bold your name in each authorship. You can also include pending presentations or publications.

    Step 15

    Skip two lines and type "Interests." Under this heading, list four of your interests or hobbies. Choose interests that reflect you. Group interests are acceptable. Be specific when describing your interests.

    Step 16

    Go down two lines and type "Added Qualifications." Here, describe cultural knowledge, foreign language fluency or any of your other special traits that are relevant to the job. Employers should be able to verify each of your qualifications.

    Step 17

    Type the heading "References" on a new page or at the end of your CV. List relevant references in order of importance. Type each reference's name and title, followed by an email address and telephone number.

    Step 18

    Proofread your CV and have at least one other person read it before you send it to an employer. Send the CV via paper mail or email, whichever method the employer has requested.


    • Many employers will request that you send a cover letter with your CV. When writing a cover letter, include your knowledge of the employer and explain why you're a good fit for the job and want to work there. Note your skills and what they'll allow you to bring to the job. State when you're available to start work.


    • Update your CV every six months to a year to keep it current as you gain new experience.


    • Do not use your CV to discuss negative information, such as job firings or criminal charges. Refrain from sharing why you left previous jobs. Avoid stating your salary requirements. You will discuss this with the interviewer if he thinks you're a good fit for the job.

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