How to Speed Up Your Metabolism to Make You Sweat More

Lose weight by speeding up your metabolism.
i Siri Stafford/Lifesize/Getty Images

Speeding up your metabolism will help you lose weight. When you have a high metabolism, you sweat and burn more calories than you do with a slower metabolism. You can speed up your metabolism by engaging in physical activity and building muscle through strength training. Keep in mind that long-term weight loss includes eating healthy. Merely consuming select ingredients or implementing short-term recommendations will not help you lose weight.

    Step 1

    Increase your physical activity level to at least 150 minutes per week. The goal here is not to add bulk, but to heighten your metabolism long after the workout session has ended. Increasing physical activity, such as brisk walking, aerobics or using an elliptical machine, to a high-impact workout not only burns calories, but increases your metabolic rate higher than your low-impact counterpart.

    Step 2

    Engage in strength training two to three days a week, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Since muscle is more metabolically active than fat, you burn more calories at rest if you are more muscular.

    Step 3

    Eat more small meals throughout the day. While reducing your caloric intake may aid in weight loss, eating more small meals throughout the day actually increases your metabolism. Likewise, the temperature of your body increases during meal consumption, which contributes to a higher metabolic rate and promotes sweating during physical activity.

    Step 4

    Heat things up. The core ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin, which is one ingredient responsible for heightened metabolic rates. Capsaicin also helps the body break down fat. The next time you create your menu masterpiece, be sure to spice things up with cayenne pepper.

    Step 5

    Get your beauty sleep. Lack of adequate sleep actually reduces your metabolic rate and may affect your hormonal equilibrium and imbalance. Such metabolic dysregulation can be avoided by ensuring that you get seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. To further increase your metabolic rate during rest, develop a sleeping schedule that you can follow each evening.


    • Be careful not to diet too much or eat too few calories. Caloric restriction and excessive dieting actually slows your metabolism instead of increasing it.

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