What It Means to Be Committed to a Job

You'll get back out what you put in.
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True job commitment is a quality that most employers appreciate and reward. Bosses generally recognize the value of a good worker who is willing to evolve and improve with the company rather than jump ship when times get hard. Don't expect it to be easy; job commitment is much like commitment in a marriage. However, once you work out the kinks, you can often look forward to years of a productive, fulfilling partnership.


    Arriving on time for work is typically a major indicator of your commitment level. Employees who are personally invested in their work tend to be where they're needed, when they're needed. Moreover, commitment often means going above and beyond the call of duty. A dedicated employee might come in early and stay late because she's engrossed in her work -- or simply because she wants to complete an assignment on time. When you take pride in your work and start to enjoy it, you stop looking at the clock. As Confucius said, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Leave it Outside

    Employees committed to a job know how to leave their personal lives behind once they cross the work threshold. Although you may find it difficult at times to separate your personal life from your professional life, as a dedicated worker, you need to make a concentrated effort to put all your attention on work while at work. What does this look like? Tell loved ones not to call your work line or cell phone unless it's an emergency. You should also stop checking your personal email during work hours -- or at least only check during lunch or a break. Job commitment might also involve refraining from surfing the Internet unless it's for a work-related task, not going to social-networking sites, and keeping personal conversations with colleagues to a minimum.

Get it Done

    When you’re committed to a job, it means fully completing all tasks on time. More than just following orders, commitment means taking the initiative and going the extra mile; if you think you can add something valuable to a project, add it. Commitment also means using critical thinking skills to analyze your performance -- and being determined to exceed your best self. When you’re committed to your job, you always try to do better, reach farther and aim higher. Whether that involves taking classes to enhance your skill level, taking work home on weekends, or requesting constructive criticism from qualified colleagues, dedicated employees do what it takes to get the job done right.

Be a Team Player

    Employees with a high level of job commitment understand that there is no “I” in “team.” And as the saying goes, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Dedicated workers know that success is a group effort, and that it's everyone’s responsibility to contribute her own strengths and support her colleagues' weaknesses to ensure a strong, winning dynamic. This means having a pleasant attitude, offering and accepting constructive criticism, being adept at conflict resolution, active listening, expressing frequent appreciation for your team, and absolutely no complaining or gossiping about co-workers. Practice direct, honest communication.

Don't Give Up

    Employees who are committed to their jobs don’t quit easily. This isn’t to imply the temptation won’t strike, but most dedicated workers are willing to struggle through brief rough patches in their tenures because they believe in their company’s ultimate vision and are willing to push through to achieve the collective goal.

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