Jumping Up and Down as Aerobic Exercise

Take in some fresh air while jumping outside.
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Engaging in an aerobic workout that gets the heart rate going and blood pumping could involve moves as simple as jumping up and down. The same moves used to display excitement can be used for exercise. No specific skill is required, just the ability to jump up in the air. This exercise does not require any equipment, which makes it convenient, allowing you to do it inside or outside.

Aerobic Exercise

    Aerobic exercises involve the use of large muscle groups for a continuous period of time. If you want to burn calories or improve the health of your heart, aerobic exercises are a great option. Exercises such as walking fast, dancing and cycling are examples of aerobic exercises. The goal for any aerobic exercise is to increase the heart rate and breathe harder. The Cleveland Clinic recommends that you participate in an aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day three to five times a week.

Why Jumping

    Repeatedly jumping up and down for an extended period will increase your heart and respiratory rate. Your breathing will also become deeper, increasing the amount of air going into your lungs. This exercise also activates your large muscle groups in your legs and arms. Jumping up and down includes all of the ingredients needed for an aerobic exercise.

Basic Jumping

    Begin by standing up with both feet flat on the ground. Bend the knees, so that the knees extend past your toes, and push up from the ground so that your feet are in the air. As you return to the ground to resume the starting position, slightly bend your knees. Arms can hang slightly at your sides. Repeat this for at least 10 minutes. Include your arms by pretending to jump rope.

Jumping Kicks

    Stand straight with your legs together and arms at your side with palms facing your sides. Slightly bend your knees and jump about an inch off of the ground while kicking one leg forward. Extend the opposite arm forward in a punching position. Then return to the starting position. Repeat for 10 minutes. As a variation, kick your legs backward and extend your arms above your head.


    Jumping motions are fun, but proceed with caution if you have any knee or leg injuries. Avoid jumping on slippery surfaces. Wait at least 60 minutes after eating a full meal before jumping to lessen or avoid gastric discomfort. Pre-hydrate prior to exercising to decrease risk of hydration.

    Jumping can put a strain on the knees.

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