What Happens to Breathing Rates During Jumping Jacks?

Jumping jacks will up your need for oxygen.
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All activities increase your heart and breathing rates to supply oxygen to the working muscles, but the intensity of each movement varies. This affects the breathing rate. The jumping jack, an aerobic, body-weight exercise, is a common component of warmups, circuit training or group exercise routines. It doesn't take many jumping jacks to increase your breathing rate.


Aerobic exercises are full-body, rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups. The jumping jack fits into these requirements. You use your arms and legs in a rhythmic nature as you hop your feet together and then apart. An aerobic exercise is sustainable for extended periods thanks to the supply of oxygen to your working muscles. Your heart and breathing rates automatically increase in response to the muscles' needs for more oxygen.

Breathing Rate

Jumping movements are high-impact, high-energy exercises, so your breathing rate increases rapidly to keep up with the pace of your jumping jacks. You inhale oxygen into your lungs, which is then transported to your heart and through your bloodstream. The oxygen reaches the cells and converts the stored energy from food into fuel for your jumping jacks. Without enough oxygen and an increase in the breathing rate to fuel this conversion, you won't be able to continue your jumping jacks.


Your level of fitness also affects your breathing rate. If your endurance is high and you've been training with other aerobic activities, your breathing rate will respond by increasing to meet your fuel needs; it should not, however, leave you breathless. If you are new to exercise, you may find your breathing rate elevates quickly and leaves you breathless, which doesn't allow adequate oxygen to reach your cells. Your jumping jack session will be of a shorter duration until your endurance improves.


You can adjust the difficulty of a jumping jack depending on your level of endurance. You can slow down your breathing rate, or increase the challenge and speed up your breathing. Lower the intensity by moving one leg out to the side and raising your arms over your head, then bringing your feet together. Repeat with the opposite leg. As your fitness level improves, add a hop when you bring your legs together -- before you transition into a full jumping jack -- but use a slow pace. Increase your speed as your cardiovascular system improves.

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