What Do I Do if My Job Is Overloading Me With Work?

Establish priorities so you can take control of your workload.
i Christopher Robbins/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Your workload piles up higher and higher everyday and you are about to hit your breaking point. Meanwhile, deadlines from your boss continue to flow in, as well as assignments from various projects, not to mention your own daily reports which need to be completed before 5:00 p.m. Your work is out of control. By learning to assert yourself and establishing priorities you can take control of your own workload instead of your job overloading you.

Take Electronic Control

    Take control of your email inbox. You can reduce your email messages by up to 80 percent by setting up reference folders, according to Microsoft experts. As much as one-third of your email could be information you might need later which you can transfer from your inbox. Emails are like people stopping by your office and interrupting you. As difficult as it might be, turn off your incoming mail alert and set aside just one hour a day to organize your email. A clear inbox means a lighter workload.

Set Realistic Goals

    There is only so much you can do in a day before you'll burn out. Each day determine what commitments are necessary. You may need to make 25 sales calls, complete daily reports, and on average meet two clients. This way, you'll even find time to fit in a few extra unscheduled tasks each day. When your boss asks you to complete a new project, you'll know what you can manage realistically. Based on the timeline of the project ask for assistance on your sales calls or reports to efficiently manage the project without falling behind on your other tasks.

Learn to Delegate

    Your boss will give you a pat on the back for getting your tasks done, but working extra hours each night to complete them doesn't necessarily demonstrate your efficiency. Learning how to delegate can ease your workload. Your colleagues will not appreciate your assignment of demeaning tasks that you don't feel like doing. Instead, delegate tasks which give someone else the opportunity to develop a new skill that they have expressed interest in. Go ahead and feel good about it.

Just Say, "No"

    You might be uncomfortable saying "no," to a task because you don't want to imply that you are not a team player, reports a 2012 article in Toronto's "Globe and Mail." If you speak from your voice of responsibility and explain the projects you are engaged in, your colleagues will understand your reasoning. Or, you can say, "no," to the entire task but willing to assist with parts. In handling your boss's requests, discuss other commitments and ask which ones she would like you to prioritize. Learning to say, "no," can help you manage your workload and improve your performance.

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