Many churches have a leader who heads up the praise and worship portion of its weekly service. Typically, there is a leader in charge of worship at a church. If the organization is large enough, the praise and worship leader will have an assistant. Quite often, no specific education is required to obtain one of these positions, although previous music experience is definitely a plus. It's a position where you will help organize details and people. You also may be a part of deciding how to mix it up between traditional hymns and more modern praise music.
Help Plan Weekly Music
A weekly church service typically begins with a praise and worship portion. Worship leaders and their assistants choose the type of music that will be played during this time. One way to pick selections is basing them on that week's theme. Part of that process is checking in with the ministry staff to see what the subject of the sermon is that week. For example, if the sermon is about forgiveness, then songs speaking about unconditional love are chosen accordingly. You will also help decide if all music will be traditional, modern or a mix of both.
Work with the Choir and Praise Team
Even in the smallest of churches, there are a lot of moving parts to praise and worship time. You are working with such people as choir groups, praise bands and soloists. Each of these are made up of individual people who have concerns that arise and, as the assistant, you help address those concerns. If a soloist wants a guitar accompanist rather than piano, you may be called upon to arrange that. You also are involved in organizing what order different groups should participate in worship and make sure they all know their cues.
Gather Necessary Materials
For the worship section of each service, some kind of visual guidance is usually necessary. At the very minimum, bands and leaders need copies of song lists and music for what will be played that day. These groups likely need materials in advance as well for rehearsals that you may also attend. On the day of worship, the congregation might also need this printed in the bulletin so they can follow along. If your church distributes information this way, then you will help make sure the person in charge of bulletins gets that information in time for publication.
Serve as Back Up
As a praise and worship leader assistant, you may not be the main go-to for leading the worship service but you'll likely serve as backup when that person is absent. When you lead a worship service, you may also welcome the congregation that morning and give the first prayer. After that you'll likely start everyone on the first song and lead the singing yourself. It will be your job to pace the worship portion of the service and make sure it flows well.
Writer Bio
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.