How to Wind Sprint

Add a wind sprint to your training to increase your aerobic fitness.
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Whether you are new to exercise or a seasoned athlete, one type of interval training, known as a wind sprint, will increase your workout performance. Interval workouts vary depending on the intensity of the exercise. The goal with a wind sprint is to work out at a rapid pace for a set time period. Your body switches energy systems at this higher level, which ultimately increases your cardiovascular endurance. The intensity interval is followed by a recovery interval at which time your body shifts back to an aerobic energy system in preparation for your next rapid-pace interval. According to Covert Bailey, a nutritionist and fitness expert, "wind sprints are the fastest way to improve fitness and increase fat-burning enzymes."

    Begin your cardiovascular exercise with a walk or jog at a low-intensity, feels-easy pace for a five- to seven-minute warm-up.

    Increase your pace to a jog or a sprint that feels hard or very hard, but is not an all-out intensity level. Remain at this wind sprint from 10 to 120 seconds depending on your fitness level.

    Reduce your pace and return to either a walk or a jog. Walk if you feel you need greater recovery from the sprint interval. Jog if you have a higher fitness level or if you are training for sports that incorporate a stop-and-go activity, such as soccer. Remain at your recovery level for two or three times the duration of your sprint. For example, if you sprint for 30 seconds, recover for 60 to 90 seconds.

    Once you are completely recovered and are able to breathe at a normal pace, increase your speed and sprint again. Aim to increase your pace for the same duration as your initial sprint. Follow with adequate active recovery.

    Begin with approximately 20 minutes of wind sprint time a week, if you currently exercise. If you are a beginner, add three to five minutes of sprints to your weekly routine until your aerobic system improves.

    Follow your sprint workout with a five- to 10-minute cool-down walk to return your heart and breathing rates to preworkout levels.


    • Even as a beginner, you can add wind sprints into your training. Instead of jogging or running, fast walk for your sprint interval and then return to a moderate-paced walk. Or, walk up a hill for 10 to 20 seconds and then return to a flat terrain.


    • Speak with your doctor regarding the safety of high-paced training for you. Challenge yourself, but listen to your body and always include enough recovery in between each sprint interval.

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