An Exercise Plan for a Treadmill & Bike

Stationary bikes provide an ideal low-impact exercise.
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Both treadmills and bikes -- whether stationary or regular -- can provide either high- or low-intensity workouts. Low intensity increases your heart rate and breathing somewhat, while high intensity raises both so that it is difficult to talk without stopping for breath. On days that you perform cardio activity, use both the treadmill and bike. Warm up and cool down with five minutes of low-intensity activity such as walking or jogging, and consult your physician before starting any exercise regimen.


Start your exercise plan with a 20-minute treadmill workout performed at 4 mph. For the first five minutes, set the treadmill’s incline to 3. For the next two minutes, use an incline of 8, then do one minute at an incline of 4 and one minute at a Level 10 incline. Switch the treadmill to Level 5 for one minute, then raise it to Level 12 for two minutes, then drop to Level 10 for one minute. Do one more minute at Level 12, then finish with five minutes at Level 2.


Perform this 40-minute workout on an upright, rather than recumbent, stationary bike. Use the machine’s display to keep track of your rate of revolutions per minute. For the first 12 minutes, ride at 80 rpm, then go one minute at 85 rpm and two minutes at 90 rpm. Drop back to 85 for one minute, then jump to 85 for three minutes. Ride at 95 rpm for two minutes, then 90 for four minutes and 100 rpm for one minute. Switch between 90 and 100 rpm each minute for the next four minutes, then ride at 90 rpm for three minutes, 95 rpm for two minutes, and finish with five minutes at 80 rpm.


Add HIIT, or high intensity interval training, into your workout routine to increase your endurance, strength and overall fitness. HIIT can be performed on both a treadmill and a bike, so alternate between the two for maximum variety. After your warmup, do 30 seconds of high-energy cardiovascular exercise, going at your highest possible level. For the next 30 seconds, drop your speed and intensity to a slow, relaxed pace. Repeat this alternating cycle for 20 minutes. As your endurance increases, lengthen the time of your intervals, but always have an equal amount of high intensity and resting time.

Walking Workout

Walking is an ideal exercise if you need to slow down your routine to rehab an injury. If you are unable to run, consider walking for 45 minutes a day on a treadmill either three or four days a week. Walk the whole 45 minutes at once, or divide your walking into three 15-minute segments; you will reap the benefits either way. Walk at a steady 4 mph, or faster, if you are able. This simple walking plan can burn up to 1,300 calories per week and increase your ability to do other exercises.

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