What Are Good Transition Poses in a Yoga Sequence?

Downward-Facing Dog is a common transitional yoga pose.
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In an attempt to get to the next, more challenging pose, you might rush through the transitional poses in your yoga sequences. Transitional poses are important in preparing you for the next pose. They allow you to gently shift your weight and ease into the next pose while paying attention to alignment and positioning. Paying attention to transitional poses can help you to focus on your breathing and movement, instead of looking forward to the end of the sequence.

Extended Child Pose

    The Extended Child pose is commonly used between poses that are performed in a prone position. To execute, start on your hands and knees on the mat with your weight evenly distributed. Press your hips backward to rest your bottom comfortably on your heels. Reach your arms straight in front of you with your palms on the mat, allowing your back to become rounded. Relax and hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

    Downward-Facing Dog is one of the most common transitional poses in yoga. Begin kneeling on the mat on your hands and knees. Move your hands forward about a hand's length and spread your fingers wide. Lift your hips by straightening both your arms and legs and pressing your hips up and back. Let your head hand loose between your arms. Gently lower your heels to the mat by pushing your weight into them. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Standing Mountain Pose

    Standing Mountain pose is often used to transition from one standing pose to another. To execute, stand straight with your feet together. Your toes should be facing forward and your big toes should be touching. In this pose, your arms can either hang by your sides or be held bent in front of your chest with your palms pressed together as if in prayer. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

Seated Mountain Pose

    This pose can be used as a transition between sitting poses or lying poses, which move from a prone to supine position. To execute this pose, sit on the mat with your back straight and your torso held upright. Extend your legs in front of you with your inner ankles touching. As with the Standing Mountain pose, your arms may either rest at your sides or be held in front of you in prayer position. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

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