The liver, the body's largest glandular organ, weighs approximately 3 pounds. It appears on the right side of the body near the stomach, below the diaphragm. It has many functions that are vital to a healthy person.
The liver's main function is to produce substances that help the body break down fat. The liver manufactures bile that assists in the breakdown and digestion of food.
Glucose and Blood
The liver converts glucose to glycogen (sugar), the body's main source of energy. It also detoxifies the blood making it clean and pure for use in the body.
The liver stores many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, D, K and B12. It also produces certain amino acids that are the building blocks of necessary proteins.
Produces Urea
The liver manufactures urea, which is the main component of urine. It helps the body secrete excess waste, ammonia, nitrogen and protein.
About 80 percent of the body's cholesterol is produced in the liver. The body needs cholesterol for every cell and for balance in hormones, sodium and water.
The liver is an amazing organ that can regenerate itself. The are more than 500 functions of the liver that affect the body, mind and spirit.