How to Use Professional Multi-Hip Weight Machines

Perform exercises with a multi-hip machine to tone your thighs and enhance your figure.
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Weight training exercises that target your hips tone your legs and buttocks, helping you build a sexy physique. Who wouldn't want that? The multi-hip weight machine allows you to exercise the muscles on the front, back, inside and outside of your thighs using just one piece of equipment. This is definitely a plus, because it will help you save time in your busy schedule.

Hip Flexion

    Step 1

    Strengthen the muscles running along the front of your thighs, which flex your hips, moving your legs forward and away from your body. Stand with your right hip toward the weight stack and the thigh pad in its lowest position so it is resting in the middle of the front of your right thigh.

    Step 2

    Grasp the handles to stabilize your upper body and maintain your balance.

    Step 3

    Lift your right knee up toward the ceiling as if you are marching with your right leg. Hold this position for two to three seconds, and then lower it back down. Repeat 10 times and work up to three sets. Reverse your position and repeat the exercise to strengthen your left leg.

Hip Extension

    Step 1

    Strengthen the muscles running along the backs of your thighs, which extend your hips, moving your legs backward and away from your body. Stand with your right hip toward the weight rack.

    Step 2

    Release the pin and rotate the thigh pad clockwise to the 45-degree position. Stand behind the pad, lift your right leg, and place it over the thigh pad so that it rests in the middle of the back of your thigh. Grasp the handles to maintain balance.

    Step 3

    Squeeze your right buttocks and kick your right leg out behind you, against the resistance of the weight stack. Hold this position for two to three seconds, relax and repeat 10 times. Switch positions and repeat on the left leg. Work up to three sets in a row.

Hip Abduction

    Step 1

    Strengthen your hip abductors, the muscles that run along the outside of your thighs, moving your legs out to the side, away from your body, with the multi-hip machine. Release the pin that holds the thigh pad in place. Adjust the position of the thigh pad 30 to 45 degrees counterclockwise. Replace the pin, locking the pad in place.

    Step 2

    Push the thigh pad clockwise, step forward and rest the pad on the outside of your left thigh. Grasp the handles for stability.

    Step 3

    Lift your left leg out to the side, against the resistance of the thigh pad. Hold for two to three seconds, and then lower your leg slowly back down. Repeat 10 times and work up to three sets.

    Step 4

    Rotate the thigh pad 30 to 45 degrees clockwise and repeat this exercise on your right leg.

Hip Adduction

    Step 1

    Strengthen your adductors, the muscles that run along the inside of your thighs, moving your legs in toward your body, with the multi-hip machine. Rotate the thigh pad counterclockwise, 30 to 45 degrees.

    Step 2

    Face the weight stack and bring the pad down, resting it on the inside of your right thigh.

    Step 3

    Step back six to 12 inches with your left leg, and kick your right leg in front of your body, against the resistance of the thigh pad.

    Step 4

    Hold for two to three seconds, relax, and repeat 10 times. Rotate the thigh pad clockwise 30 to 45 degrees and repeat this exercise to strengthen the adductors on your left leg.


    • Stand up straight while executing each exercise. Do not lean forward, backward or sideways--this could strain your spine and possibly lead to injury.

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