Twitching in the Thighs After Workouts

Sometimes twitching muscles indicate a health problem.
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Working out is great for toning your thighs and keeping them slim so you fit into your favorite jeans. After exercise, twitching in your thighs might worry you, though most of the time the condition is harmless, even if it does get annoying. Twitching after a workout is common, but you don't have to live with it. Tweaking your routine helps prevent twitching. Talk to your doctor if twitching in your thighs persists, gets worse or worries you.


    A muscle twitch is simply an involuntary contraction of your muscles. Though this sounds like it shouldn't happen, many ordinary reasons could be causing it. Forgetting to fuel up before your workout could be behind the twitching sensation and failing to stretch properly before you exercise is another common cause. In some cases, your thigh muscles twitch as they cool down and return to everyday functioning. All of these causes are normal and shouldn't alarm you, though put in a call to your doctor if you want some reassurance.


    You might be surprised to find that most muscle twitches don't require any special treatment, either at home or in your doctor's office. However, the "Los Angeles Times" recommends keeping your thigh muscles warm after a workout as a way to keep twitching at bay. Wear a pair of sweats or leggings, or take a warm shower. An electrolyte drink after exercise serves two purposes. It helps keep you hydrated, but it also balances your body's electrolyte levels, which plays a big role in stopping the twitching in your thighs.


    One of the best ways to prevent your thighs from twitching after a workout is to stretch properly beforehand. For many women, busy with work, family and home, stretching takes a back burner, but your thigh muscles will thank you if you make an effort to fit it in. Make sure you drink enough fluids before, during and after your workout, which prevents electrolyte imbalances that lead to excessive muscular contractions. If you're new to exercise and jump right into a high-intensity routine, your thighs may respond by twitching. To prevent this, gradually build your workout as you gain in strength and endurance.

When to Call the Doctor

    It might not cross your mind to call your doctor for a simple thigh twitch. Most of the time, you're right not to waste your time. In some cases, though, alerting your physician is a good idea. If thigh twitches are accompanied by muscle weakness, numbness or tingling, you might have an undiagnosed health condition. Likewise, a thigh twitch that doesn't go away could be more than just annoying. If your thigh muscles seem to be getting smaller over time and twitch consistently, mention it to your doctor.

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