Triage Coordinator Duties

Triage coordinators work in hospitals, surgery centers and other medical facilities.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

As an organ donor, you have the opportunity to give life to a number of people if the unthinkable would happen to you. Organ donors give transplant patients a second chance by donating one or more organs including heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, the intestines and even tissue and stem cells. As a triage coordinator, you’ll oversee the organ transplant process, matching up donors with potential recipients. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2012, women made up 87 percent of the health care support industry, which includes triage coordinators.

First Point of Contact

    When an organ donation comes available, you’ll be the first point of contact for the donor. You’ll field calls from organ and tissue banks, collecting all the necessary information about the donation including type of organ, blood type, donor gender, donor age and other vital information. Looking at the list of recipients your organization represents, you’ll determine if each incoming donor will be a fit. Once you make a potential match, you’ll pass along the information to the appropriate party at your organization to get the donation process underway. You’ll also be the first contact for a new client needing an organ, collecting their medical information and providing them with information about your organization’s process for organ donation.

Go-Between for Donor and Recipient

    Once your adviser or manager has determined the incoming donation can be used and is a good match for a recipient, you’ll be sure the organ donor is clear on the rules and regulations for giving an organ. After the initial contact, you’ll screen the donor’s medical records and information, ensuring that everything is correct. Showing professionalism and sensitivity, you’ll pass along information between the donor’s and recipient’s medical teams. If a recipient’s condition changes for the worse, you’ll work with the medical teams to speed up the process for that patient.

Administrative and Office Responsibilities

    Throughout the entire triage process, you’ll take detailed notes, keeping records on all interactions between donating party and recipients. Depending on the employer, you may keep written records or add all the information to a computer database. Because organ donation literally means life or death, you’ll need ensure that the information you track and maintain is accurate and error-free.

Miscellaneous Duties

    Depending on the employer, you may be responsible for spreading the word about your organization and coming up with new programs to promote your employer. You may send out newsletters, promotional materials or advertisements. You’ll maintain relationships with organ and tissues banks, hospitals and other organ donation organizations. You’ll educate family members on the organ donation process and keep them updated as needed.

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