Physical exercise helps keep you healthy. A regular aerobic exercise routine and a healthy diet can help you lose weight, maintain weight loss and strengthen your muscles. Physical exercise also strengthens your heart and lungs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week. Treadmill and jump-rope workouts are a good way to get your daily aerobic workout to strengthen your cardiovascular system.
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise benefits everyone regardless or age or fitness level. Aerobic exercise, combined with a healthy diet and adequate sleep, helps you lose weight and increase your fitness and stamina. Over time you will enjoy a stronger, leaner body. Aerobic exercise also stimulates your immune system, which helps you to fight off infections and disease. Your heart and lungs will be stronger, too. Aerobic exercise causes your heart to beat faster and harder, which strengthens the heart muscle. Your lung capacity will improve because you breathe deeper and faster during exercise. Your mood will also improve when you make aerobic exercise part of your daily routine. Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, which create a feeling of well-being.
Treadmill Interval Training
Using a treadmill for aerobic exercise does not have to be boring. You can vary the speed and the incline of the walking service for an effective treadmill interval training session. Warm up for 10 minutes by walking at a slow pace on a treadmill. Gradually increase your speed every two minutes until you begin to sweat lightly and your heart rate increases. You can design your own treadmill interval workout by walking at a brisk pace for three minutes and then switching to a slow pace for one minute. Simulate climbing by setting the incline to 6 percent and climb for two minutes. Jog or run on the treadmill for three minutes and then slow to a brisk walk for one minute. Cool down by walking briskly for five minutes followed by slow walking for five minutes.
Jump Rope Routines
Jumping rope can help increase your physical fitness, strengthen your cardiovascular system and increase your stamina. Warm up for 10 minutes prior to jumping rope by walking briskly or doing some calisthenics, such as jumping jacks or marching in place. Do a jump-rope interval workout by varying the speed of your jump-rope workout. Jump as fast as you can for three minutes followed by a slower pace for one minute. Improve the strength of your arms and chest by doing crossovers. Perform crossovers by jumping the rope and then crossing your arms in front of your body and jumping through the loop. Try some double jumps by jumping high and swinging the rope fast enough to sweep it under your feet twice before you land. Jump rope on one leg for 10 jumps and then switch legs.
Exercise Safety
Jump rope only on a flat surface. Clear an area 4 to 5 feet around the place where you will be jumping rope to avoid tripping or catching the rope on obstacles. Use a rope that is the right length for your body. A rope is the correct length if the handles reach to the middle of your chest when you stand on the middle of the rope. Land on the balls of your feet to minimize the impact on your joints, especially your knees. Keep your arms relaxed as you swing the rope. Avoid treadmill accidents and injuries by keeping children away from your treadmill. Do not hang towels, ropes, exercise bands or any other objects on the treadmill. Make sure the treadmill is turned off or unplug it when you finish working out. Keep chairs, benches and other exercise equipment well away from the treadmill.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need?
- To 10 Reasons to Get Physical
- Fitness: Burn 2,000 Calories on the Treadmill
- WebMD: 5 Treadmill Workouts in an Hour or Less
- Desert Mountain Wolves Lacrosse: Jump Rope Routines
- Fit Day: 5 Jump Roping Techniques to Spice Up Your Exercise Routine
Writer Bio
Robin Reichert is a certified nutrition consultant, certified personal trainer and professional writer. She has been studying health and fitness issues for more than 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health from Clayton College.