Top 5 Tricks to Getting Up on a Snowboard

The key to getting up on a snowboard is doing it quickly.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Wiping out on your snowboard can be embarrassing enough, but if you're flailing like a fish out of water in an effort to get back up on the board, you probably won't want to face your friends once you finally reach the bottom of the hill. The process of getting back up after a fall can be challenging for a beginner, but once you've tried any of the methods a few times, it should become as natural as carving a turn through soft powder.

From Your Back

    Whether you've fallen on your back or are sitting down to strap into your snowboard, it's easy to get up from this position. If you're on the hill, change the position of your body so your board is perpendicular to the hill, which prevents your board from sliding downhill until you're ready. Dig your heel side into the snow, bend your knees and lean forward until you move your center of gravity forward enough that you can stand up.

From Your Knees

    If you turn too sharply and lose an edge, it's easy to wind up on your knees in the blink of an eye. Getting up from this position is essentially the opposite of getting up from your back. Bend your knees and begin to walk your hands toward the board until you're crouched like a frog. When your hands are next to the board, lean backward to stand up.

Around the World

    From your back or backside, it can be challenging to stand up if you're not flexible enough to bend forward with ease. In the "around the world" method, shift your weight to either side and place your hands on the snow for support until you can bring them to the front of your body. Once you get your hands in front of you, it's easy to stand up.

Elevated Backside

    When you're on your knees, spread your hands apart in the snow and straighten your legs so that your backside is high in the air. Keeping your legs straight, walk your hands toward your board until you're in an vertical position, and then just straighten up. If you're athletic and have strong core muscles, you'll be able to jump into an upright position without having to walk your hands toward the board.

Remove Board

    If you struggle with getting back up on the board in a timely fashion or have fallen in a precarious part of the run that makes getting up a challenge, consider unbuckling your bindings and taking your board to the edge of the run so you can step back into it. Always be careful about your surroundings and move to the closest edge of the run as quickly as possible. Although walking across the run isn't ideal, it's better than lying prone on the hill as you struggle with your board.

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