Tips for Interviewing for an Internal Promotion

Take your internal interview seriously.
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News of a possible internal promotion carries exciting possibilities. Perhaps it will mean a bigger office, more money and more prestige. But before you start shopping with new digs with your pay increase, slow your roll. Interviewing for an inside job isn’t just a formality; it's the real deal. Act accordingly and bring your A game.

Neatness Counts

    Dress to impress for your interview. You might be familiar with your interviewers, but you still should treat the interview as if it's your big chance to make a first impression. Act like they’ve never seen you before, and wow them with your professionalism.

Keep a Professional Distance

    While interviewing for an internal position, don’t take anything for granted. Don’t lead with the assumption that the job is yours simply because you already have a job in the company or you’re on friendly terms with the interviewers. Remind yourself that you’re not entitled, and that you still have to prove you’re the best person for the job. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Do Your Homework

    Come to your interview prepared, just as you would for an interview with a brand new company. Know exactly what the position entails, and how your specific skills and experiences make you the best person for the job. Arrive with a fresh, updated resume and cover letter tailored to the position you’re seeking. Be prepared to answer typical interview questions, such as, “Tell me about yourself?” “What makes you the best person for the job?” “Give me an example of how you solve conflict,” “How do you handle completing multiple jobs at once?” You should also be prepared to address your personal strengths and weaknesses, your long- and short-term goals and your performance in your current job.

Keep Quiet

    During the interview process for an internal position, keep in mind that your co-workers aren’t friends during this time -- they’re competition. Refrain from discussing the details of your interview, since you don’t want to reveal anything about the process that might give someone an advantage over you. No matter how much you like your colleagues, remember that it's every woman for herself.

No Hard Feelings

    No matter the results of your interview, don’t hold a grudge if you don’t get the job. Harbor no resentments or hard feelings toward the interviewers or toward the person who was chosen for the job. Remember, you still have to work with these people. For the sake of office morale, don’t take the decision personally.

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