The Health Benefits of Granny Smith Apples

Granny Smith apples are a crunchy treat.
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Granny Smith apples are packed with antioxidants and fiber, and they have lots of tart and tangy flavor. These bright-green apples are named for Mary Ann (Granny) Smith, who propagated the apple variety from a seedling she found in her backyard. You should select Granny Smiths that have smooth skin and are firm and heavy for their size. Wrinkling on apples indicates that the apple is old or has not been stored properly. To keep them fresh, store your Granny Smith apples in the refrigerator.

Vitamin C

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one medium Granny Smith apple contains 14 percent of the daily value of vitamin C, an important vitamin that plays many roles in your body, such as healing wounds and forming scar tissue. Vitamin C can't prevent or heal a cold, but if you take vitamin C regularly you may be able to reduce the length and severity of a cold when you do get one. MedlinePlus reports that vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights against free radicals, which contribute to the aging process and may play a part in the development of cancer and heart disease.


Granny Smith apples are packed with fiber, with one medium apple providing 18 percent of the daily value, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The intense green peel is rich in fiber, so you shouldn't peel your apples. Fiber is vital for keeping your bowels moving regularly, and it is used to treat diverticulosis and constipation. Following a high-fiber diet can help you lower your cholesterol and prevent heart disease, reports MedlinePlus. Adding more fiber to your diet can help you lose weight because fiber makes you feel full, which can help you eat less.


Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that may be a stronger opponent against free radicals than vitamin C. A study published in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry " found that quercetin was able to protect nerves from oxidative stress better than vitamin C, which may mean that quercetin is able to reduce your risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s disease. Quercetin may also be able to fight harder against cancer than vitamin C and may be able to protect against liver and colon cancer cells. You can get 4.42 milligrams of quercetin for every 100 grams of Granny Smith apples that you eat, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Serving Suggestions

Fresh Granny Smith apples are delicious snacks that pair well with almonds, mozzarella cheese sticks and yogurt. Granny Smiths go well in green salads because they don't brown as fast as other apples. You can also layer thin-sliced Granny Smith apples with meats and cheeses for a sophisticated sandwich. They are good cooking apples as well, so you can make a healthy dessert featuring baked Granny Smith apples spiced with cinnamon.

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