The Best Exercises to Lose Weight Around the Pelvic Area for Men

Losing pelvic fat will show off your abs.
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Some of the best exercises to help you lose weight around your pelvic area are very common exercises. The type of exercises you do are not the determining factor when trying to lose stomach fat, however, it’s the length and intensity of the exercise. The goal in losing weight is to create a calorie deficit. Simply put, use more calories than you eat in a day.

Pelvic Weight

Pelvic weight, also referred to as belly fat, is most effectively decreased in men by implementing a weekly exercise routine along with a calorie-restricted diet to maximize the number of calories you’re burning. According to, belly fat is not only unattractive, it is also dangerous for a man’s health. If the circumference of your pelvis is more than 40 inches you are at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, sleep apnea, some cancers and high blood pressure. Even if you are thin in other parts of the body, pelvic fat can affect the function of your internal organs.


Aerobic exercises are some of the best exercises to burn calories. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you need to burn 500 calories daily to lose 1 pound of fat a week. If your diet remains consistent and you increase your aerobic activity to burn 500 more calories daily, you will begin to reduce the overall fat tissue in your body, resulting in a reduction in weight around your pelvic area. Aerobics that burn the most calories include rope jumping, running at 8 mph, tae kwon do, roller blading and using a stair treadmill, according to

Abdominal Weight Training

Secondary to aerobic activity is implementing an abdominal weight-training routine. You should work out your abdominal muscles at least twice a week using traditional situps, abdominal crunches and leg lifts. Performing abdominal weight-training exercises will increase your muscle mass in your pelvic area but will not help you reduce your waist size. The purpose of abdominal weight training is to make your pelvis more streamlined when you lose the extra inches.

Dietary Considerations

Along with exercise, reducing the number of calories you eat in a day will help create a calorie deficit. Eat smaller portions and consume natural foods, such as whole grains, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, legumes and fruit. These foods are naturally lower in calories, which means you can eat more of them. Stay away from foods that are high in sugar, highly processed or fried. Keep a food log detailing what you eat and how many calories are in the foods you’re consuming.

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