Soluble Fiber in Flaxseed

Whole and ground flaxseeds provide soluble fiber and other nutrients.
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Increasing your soluble fiber intake can help you improve your digestive health and lower your cholesterol levels. Flaxseed, both whole and ground, is rich in soluble fiber and other health-boosting nutrients. Ground flaxseed is particularly simple to incorporate in your diet, as it can be added to foods such as yogurt, cereal, baked goods and other dishes.

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be absorbed by the digestive tract and, as a result, adds no calories to your diet. It comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble fiber. When you eat soluble fiber, it absorbs water and turns into a gel in your digestive tract. This slows digestion and may also have an effect on cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, does not absorb water. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and can help speed the transit of food through your stomach and intestines. A diet high in fiber can help normalize your bowel movements and may even be useful in treating diarrhea.

Flaxseed and Fiber

There is a difference in the amount of fiber found in whole and ground flaxseeds. One tablespoon of whole flaxseed contains 2.4 grams of insoluble fiber and 1.2 grams of soluble fiber. Because ground flaxseed has been processed, some of its fiber content is lost. One tablespoon of ground flaxseed provides 1.8 grams of insoluble fiber and 0.9 grams of soluble fiber.

Flaxseed and Cholesterol Benefits

One of the benefits of the soluble fiber in flaxseed is that it can lower both your total cholesterol levels and your LDL cholesterol, which is also known as the "bad" cholesterol. A study published in "Nutrition and Metabolism" in 2012 found that drinking a flaxseed fiber drink three times per day lowered total cholesterol levels by 12 percent and LDL cholesterol levels by 15 percent. This study also found that eating bread with flaxseed fiber lowered total and LDL cholesterol levels by 7 and 9 percent, respectively.

Other Benefits of Ground Flaxseed

Despite the fact that ground flaxseed has less soluble fiber than whole, there are other reasons to eat ground flaxseed. Ground flaxseed also provides omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial compounds called lignans. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the body because they are essential for brain function, reduce inflammation and may also play a role in preventing heart disease. The omega-3 fatty acids and lignans are only available in ground flaxseeds, since your body cannot absorb these nutrients effectively from whole flaxseeds.

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