Running Impact on Treadmill vs. Concrete

Running on the treadmill is better for your joints than concrete running.
i Chris Clinton/Photodisc/Getty Images

Every running surface has a different impact on your body. Varying the surface you run on during the week works different muscles in your legs. Although running on different surfaces helps create toned, fit and sexy legs, you should limit your runs on certain surfaces to protect your joints. Running on the treadmill and running on concrete both have positive and negative effects on your bones, muscles and health.

Treadmill Pros

    Running on the treadmill has several advantages over running on concrete. You can run on a treadmill throughout the year. It's especially useful during the winter when the weather conditions in some parts of the country are too cold and dangerous to be running around in. Treadmills allow you to set your pace, so you don't unknowingly slow down when you start feeling tired. They have a softer surface that makes running easier on your joints and helps prevent injury. Most treadmills have a cardio profile that helps you run at a certain pace to maintain a steady, safe heart rate. They also have a hill profile that helps you tone your thighs and booty.

Treadmill Cons

    Constantly running on a treadmill can get boring after awhile. The scenery never changes and you're forced to look at the same surroundings throughout the duration of your run. Although the surface of the treadmill protects your legs from injury, it doesn't help strengthen your bones or joints for running on other surfaces. Running often on a treadmill will condition your legs to soft surfaces and put you at a risk for injury if you're not prepared for uneven outdoor, hard surfaces.

Concrete Pros

    Surprisingly, there are a few benefits of running on the hard concrete. Concrete is bare as opposed to other outdoor surfaces like grass, making it easier to see any potholes, rocks, broken glass or areas where the surface gets higher or lower. Concrete is also good for keeping your stride steady and forward. Running on surfaces like sand and wet soil can cause you to sink into the ground and lose energy. You then lose more energy by working harder to get yourself out of the sand.

Concrete Cons

    Running on the hard concrete is not the best for achieving those toned, sexy legs. In fact, it's one of the hardest surfaces you can run on. Because of this, more stress is put on your joints, muscles and bones. Time spent running on concrete should be limited to avoid injuries or fractures. If you have any type of pain before you decide to go running on concrete, it's best to pick a different surface until the pain goes away.

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