How to Run With a Strained Gluteus Maximus

A strained gluteus makes running painful.
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Running with a strained gluteus maximus is a real pain in the butt -- literally. The gluteus maximus is a large muscle that helps stabilize you and propel you forward during your run. Any time you are injured, rest is the surest way to a fast and full recovery. If you must run, however, you can employ a few different strategies to protect your strained backside.

    Step 1

    Warm up thoroughly before you try to run. You'll probably notice the most stiffness in your sore glute when you first get started, so walk at a comfortable pace for five to 10 minutes before undertaking anything more strenuous.

    Step 2

    Gently stretch your gluteal muscles after you are warmed up. From a standing position, cross your legs and slowly bend at the waist, reaching your hands toward your toes. Hold for 10 seconds before returning to a standing position.

    Step 3

    Ease into your run by starting out slowly and gradually building up your speed. If the pain is intense, back off and run at a slower pace, or walk.

    Step 4

    Cool down thoroughly by walking for five to 10 minutes after your run. Follow up with therapeutic massage, ice and rest.


    • If you must use your strained muscle, do so slowly and gently.


    • Running with a strained muscle is dangerous and can result in further injury. If you have to run with the strained muscle to complete an event, give yourself plenty of time to recover and heal afterward. Once the event is over, do not resume running until you are healed.

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