How to Return to Work for Your Employer After a Lawsuit

Protect yourself when returning to work after a lawsuit.
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There are many reasons someone might file a lawsuit against an employer, including discrimination, retaliation and harassment. If the employer fires you after the lawsuit is filed, it may be viewed as retaliation, which can result in another lawsuit. For this reason, some employers allow you to continue working for the company. If you choose to continue your employment with the company, be as wise as a snake yet gentle as a dove.

    Step 1

    Let go of the past. When you walk back into the workplace, you have to be “all in.” That means no bitterness, animosity or resentment. If you are still holding on to what happened in the past, it can hurt your productivity and dampen your morale.

    Step 2

    Refuse to discuss your lawsuit with co-workers; this can be considered workplace gossip and only cause more problems and conflict. This is especially true if word gets back to management.

    Step 3

    Be on your best behavior. Make sure you are punctual and handling your daily job responsibilities with excellence. You don't want to give the employer an excuse to terminate you.

    Step 4

    Print out a copy of your pre-lawsuit performance reviews that prove your history of good behavior. Save these reviews for your personal records. If you never received bad reviews prior to the lawsuit, it may be perceived as retaliation if the employer suddenly starts giving you bad reviews.

    Step 5

    Keep a journal with you to document perceived retaliation. If you feel you are being retaliated against, write down the date and time of the incident, as well as what happened. This isn't holding on to the past. It's being wise enough to anticipate what can happen in the future. If you feel you are being retaliated against, consult an employment attorney to determine if that indeed might be the case.

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