When considering the life of a wildlife conservationist, you likely envision a highly passionate and aggressive individual with endless energy constantly trying to educate others on matters relating to wild animals. You can follow several different career paths in animal conservation, so you must identify exactly what you hope to achieve in the field. One way you can let a prospective employer know what your goals are is to include a detailed objective statement as part of your resume.
Explain You Goal
In order to make sure your career path intentions are clear, you need to clarify exactly which segment you're pursuing right away in your objective statement. If your main goal is to influence legislation as a wildlife policy analyst, include information on what changes you'd like to see. If you're hoping to land a job as a wildlife educator, list some of the topics you'd like to cover. According to the Wildlife Society, such topics could include wildlife ecology, biology and toxicology.
Highlight Interpersonal Skills
As a wildlife conservationist, you'll be helping to bridge the gap between humans and wildlife by spreading the word about conservation efforts. Having exceptional interpersonal skills is a must for this career, and your objective statement is the place where you can highlight some of your strongest talents. Being able to diplomatically communicate to lawmakers or would-be charitable donors, educate zoo visitors or create press releases related to wildlife initiatives are all things you could encounter in your role, so focus briefly in your objective statement on some of the strengths that will show your potential boss that he or she can count on you to deliver an accurate message.
Passion for Animals
Caring about wildlife is one of the passions that all wildlife conservationists share. Protecting the natural habitat of endangered animals is a big focus of the job, and your commitment to the cause should shine through in your objective statement. Stress the fact that you're passionate, committed and aggressive when it comes to the preservation of wildlife. This will show your potential employer that you're driven by the career and won't abandon your efforts on behalf of the animals regardless of any obstacles that may pop up.
Comfort in Nature
Being a wildlife conservationist often requires performing out in the field -- literally. From working at a zoo or wildlife refuge to keeping grasslands protected and thriving (and maybe even planting a tree or two), you'll be spending a lot of time outdoors. Not many job resumes could benefit from the applicant mentioning that she doesn't have a problem getting dirty now and again, but for this career you can mention your comfort with nature and outside labor as part of the objective statement.