Women living on the coast can test the waters by partaking in a sport similar to surfing. Stand-up paddleboarding, sometimes referred to as SUP'ing, requires precise wave knowledge and a savvy vocabulary. If you care to dabble in popular paddle fitness classes but lack the poise needed for stability on the board, engage in dry-land techniques aimed at core strength and centered balance. Soon enough, you'll be SUP'ing with the dolphins while your friends are stuck on the elliptical watching Oprah.
Yoga To Balance
Step 1
Stand in the middle of your yoga mat. Bring your hands into Prayer pose and begin centering your breathe with slow, full inhalations and exhalations. Expand and contract your core with each breath.
Step 2
Come into Eagle pose by first establishing even distribution in one foot. Root down through the pad of your big toe, the pad of your little toe and the inner and outer corners of your heel. Pull up through your arch and inhale.
Step 3
Exhale and wrap one arm underneath and around the other, bringing your hands back into Prayer, or as close as possible.
Step 4
Inhale and complete the pretzel form by wrapping the hamstring of the opposite leg over the quad muscle on the standing leg. Hook the top of your foot behind the back of your standing leg's calf. Breathe and hold the pose.
Step 5
Repeat on the opposite side.
Step 6
Come into Warrior III pose by stepping one foot approximately 3 feet in front of the other.
Step 7
Inhale and bring your back leg up and behind you to 90 degrees. Simultaneously bend your torso forward to 90 degrees and stretch your arms out in front of you, in line with your ears. Breathe and hold the pose.
Step 8
Inhale and bring your torso upright and your feet back together. Exhale.
Step 9
Repeat on the other side.
Step 10
Add one or two more standing yoga poses to your program and practice this balancing sequence for 30 minutes, three times a week.
Circuit Training
If you feel unstable in your standing yoga poses, bring it back to the basics. Simply balance on one leg, with your other leg bent and lifted at 90 degrees. Once stable, progress to the advanced balancing postures.
First, perfect your circuit training routine without weights. As your strength builds you can incorporate the weights into all four exercises.
If you have chronic knee or shoulder conditions, be cautious when practicing the circuit training exercises. Jumping may aggravate knee conditions and lifting weights can reinjure shoulder joints.
Yoga mat
Comfortable clothing
Pair of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells (optional)
Aerobic step or driftwood
Step 1
Integrate dry-land circuit training into your routine. Choose four exercises and work up to a 30 minute routine.
Step 2
Skip around in a circle on the beach. Vary your technique by alternating your feet and hands and double hopping on one foot. Practice skipping for one minute, then switch to the next exercise.
Step 3
Start in a squatted position with one dumbbell in either hand. Straighten your legs and bring your dumbbells across your body and to one side, keeping your arms straight. Return a centered squat and then repeat on the other side, alternating for one minute.
Step 4
Bend over and place your hands on the ground. Extend your legs back, coming into pushup position. Next, hop your legs into your chest and stand up. Repeat this action for one minute.
Step 5
Step on and off the aerobic step quickly, making sure both feet come into contact with the step. After 30 seconds, lead with the opposite leg and repeat for another 30 seconds.
Step 6
Repeat all four exercises in a circuit for 10 minutes. As your endurance increases, lengthen your workout. Practice circuit training at least once a week.
Step 7
Enroll in a paddleboard fitness class once you feel strong, balanced and confident. These classes incorporate paddling your board on the water with yoga and circuit training.
Things You'll Need
- If you feel unstable in your standing yoga poses, bring it back to the basics. Simply balance on one leg, with your other leg bent and lifted at 90 degrees. Once stable, progress to the advanced balancing postures.
- First, perfect your circuit training routine without weights. As your strength builds you can incorporate the weights into all four exercises.
- If you have chronic knee or shoulder conditions, be cautious when practicing the circuit training exercises. Jumping may aggravate knee conditions and lifting weights can reinjure shoulder joints.
Writer Bio
Christina Shepherd McGuire writes articles about adventure sports, fashion, mothering and natural living. Since 2003, her work has appeared in "Action Outdoor and Bike Magazine," "Teton Family Magazine," "The Jackson Hole Snowboarder Magazine" and several online publications. McGuire holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature.