How to Lose Weight for Lightweight Rowers

Lightweight rowing allows individuals with smaller builds to participate and compete.
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Rowing relies on your body weight as much as your strength, endurance and technique. Traditionally, rowers tend to be taller with larger and more muscular builds, but a lightweight class was added to include smaller and lighter rowers. Women in the lightweight category can weigh no more than 130 pounds. Since this body weight is already respectively low, it is often a matter of ounces that you need to monitor in the weeks before an important regatta in order to ensure you'll be able to compete.

    Step 1

    Maintain your ideal weight consistently. Even if you're a pound are two above your ideal weight, you'll have work to reach your goal weight. As a result, your training may suffer due to the fatigue of food restriction at a time when you should be eating to fuel your body during taper.

    Step 2

    Prepare in advance. If you do have an upcoming rowing competition, monitor your weight several weeks in advance so you can lose those last few pounds or ounces as healthily as possible.

    Step 3

    Eat healthy whole foods in the proper portion sizes. By choosing healthy, unprocessed, nutrient-packed foods in the correct amounts, paired with your tough workouts, you should be working your way down the scale without suffering.

    Step 4

    Calculate your body's caloric needs, as well as your activity level, then eat accordingly. The standard of calories in versus calories out applies.

    Step 5

    Hydrate. While you are restricting your calories to make weight -- and in general -- make sure you're drinking plenty of water.

    Step 6

    Add interval workouts. Shake up your training sessions to keep your body guessing and using your body fat in dynamic ways. You may also try doing these interval workouts in cross-training sessions, such as running or swimming, to further jolt your metabolism.


    • Add healthy snacks and a bottle of water to your computer bag or backpack so you never have to worry about overwhelming hunger, which may lead you to snacking on unhealthy yet convenient foods.


    • Don't restrict your diet for extended periods of time, and don't fall below a healthy body weight for your frame. Rowing is a sport that requires strength in addition to a certain body weight. Your progress and results may suffer if you don't eat properly.

    Things You'll Need

    • Body-weight scale

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