How to Leave a Job Due to Bullying

Life is short; don't put up with bullies where you work.
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There comes a time when it's no longer productive to stick around at your job -- particularly when your work life is miserable because of a bully. No matter how awesome the opportunity, or how few opportunities you feel exist beyond this workplace, your mental and physical health have to take precedence over a paycheck. If you're ready to leave your job because of a bully, take a few steps to protect yourself and make the process as pain-free as possible.

    Step 1

    Talk to an attorney. In about 25 percent of workplace bullying cases, some type of discrimination of a protected class -- classes such as gender, sexual orientation, or race -- were involved, according to the Workplace Bullying Institute. An attorney may be able to give you guidance on additional steps to take as you plan to leave your job, or may advise you to pursue a lawsuit.

    Step 2

    Write down all instances of bullying and gather any additional evidence. If you do have grounds for a discrimination case, you'll need some type of documentation of the bullying. Write down the time, date and the details of each incident, and keep them in a folder or notebook at your home. You don't want to run the risk of leaving that sensitive information at the office, where the wrong person may find it.

    Step 3

    Talk to your employer about the problem. Give the employer one chance to correct the issue, advises the Workplace Bullying Institute. Without getting overly emotional, present your case to your direct supervisor, giving her details about specific incidents and how they've affected your ability to do your work. Unfortunately, bosses often side with the bully out of loyalty, or avoid the problem out of laziness -- but in the best-case scenario, alerting her to the problem may work in your favor. If it doesn't bear fruit though, it's time to move on to the resignation.

    Step 4

    Draft a formal letter of resignation in writing. Include your last day of work in the letter. If you choose, you can cite the reason for your departure, but it is not required. You can also let the employer know you're available for an exit interview at the employer's discretion; this can give you a chance to sound off about the issues that lead to your resignation.

    Step 5

    Ask for another meeting, and then give your boss the letter of resignation. If the situation is already bad or seems to worsen, your boss may tell you to leave right away -- one good reason to have your affairs in order before you hand in your resignation.

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