The Importance of the Interpersonal Communication Process Within the Health Care Workplace

Doctors need to listen to their patients to properly assess treatment options.
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Interpersonal communication within a health care workplace not only assists in determining the problems of patients, but also assures them of their safety and survival. Patients require adequate skills to manage their health problems. Caregivers have a duty to ensure that patients maintain a positive attitude that will improve their health. Interpersonal communication between caregivers and physicians should also seek to improve the health of their patients.

Reduction of Death Rates

    Patients require adequate information about their health to manage their condition. Interpersonal communication enhances patients’ understanding of health risks. Most health-related deaths are a result of dysfunctional communication between patients and their physicians or caregivers. Many patients commit suicide when they realize that they have chronic diseases. Interpersonal communication between patients and caregivers reduces such risks. Also, many patients die because lack of awareness on the management of their health problems. Interpersonal communication seeks to educate patients on home-treatment methods and risk reduction.

Reduction of Health Care Costs

    Many patients spend more on treatment because they lack information on the best ways to manage their health problems, as well as finding the best medication. The interpersonal communication process also enables physicians and caregivers to understand the problems of their clients and also offer as much help as possible. Patients spend less when there is effective communication between them and health care workers.

Reduction in Malpractice Risks

    Many malpractices occur because of poor communication among physicians and nurses. Communication breakdowns cause wrong diagnoses that often lead to death. Delivery of medical data quickens the healing process because physicians can understand their patients’ health-related problems and also make quicker decisions on the most appropriate medication. Through interpersonal communication, physicians understand the allergies of their patients. This understanding helps physicians to prescribe drugs that will not jeopardize the patient’s medical condition. Interpersonal communication reduces risk of malpractice by another physician in cases of patient referral.

Improves Patient Satisfaction

    Patient satisfaction is a requirement for all health care providers. Interpersonal communication offers patients an environment where they express their health problems. Patients expect health care givers to listen to them and also show concern about their condition. When a patient receives attention from their health care providers, they feel safe. Interpersonal communication among workers in the health care sector also enhances the medical process, because the physicians understand the special needs of their patients. This enables physicians to provide the appropriate medical services for their patients.

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