How to Tighten My Stomach Muscles Without Surgery

Crunches and fitness ball work can help tighten stomach muscles.
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Following a healthy diet and getting daily aerobic exercise can help you drop excess weight when needed. The result is a slimmer and healthier you, but your stomach muscles may not be as tight as you would like. Tightening your stomach muscles naturally without surgery is possible through core conditioning. The core of your body consists of your abdominal region, pelvis and back. The strong muscles you get from core exercises can also improve your posture, helping you look slimmer.

    Tighten your abs with crunches. A crunch is similar to a situp except your back remains in contact with the floor. Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Fold your arms behind your head so that your fingers lightly touch your head. Tighten your stomach muscles as you lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Hold each crunch for two seconds. Work up to 12 to 15 repetitions or more if possible. Do three sets.

    Perform planks to firm up your stomach muscles. Planks are done in a prone position, similar to a pushup. Lie down on your stomach, resting your forearms on the floor. Use your forearms to push yourself up off the floor as you tighten your abs. You should be resting on your arms and toes for a proper plank. Drop your knees down to the floor without letting your midsection touch the floor for a modified plank if you cannot hold the position. Hold the pose for at least 20 seconds. Try to work up to a full minute in the plank position for optimum firming.

    Improve your core strength and tighten abdominals naturally with bridge exercises. Lie on the floor on your back with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees, keeping the soles of your feet on the floor. Tighten your stomach muscles and lift your hips off the floor until they are in line with your knees and shoulders. Keep your upper back in contact with the floor as you hold the bridge pose for a count of three. Start with five repetitions in a set, working your way up to 10 to 15 bridge reps daily.

    Improve balance and muscle tone with quadruped exercises. Get down on the floor on your hands and knees. Keeping your back straight and your stomach muscles tensed, extend your left arm out in front of you and your right leg behind you at the same time. Both limbs should be straight. Hold for a second and then return to the original position. Then alternate sides so your right arm and left leg are extended. Do quadruped exercises with a fitness ball to give yourself more of a challenge.

    Get into a cross-training routine. Instead of concentrating on the abs every day, incorporate these exercises into a rotating schedule of exercise. Perform core exercises every other day while participating in aerobic exercise on your off days. This gives your muscles a rest while making sure you are still active and healthy.


    • Modified crunches can reduce the tension in your neck and the pressure on your knees. Instead of placing your feet on the floor, rest the soles of your feet on a wall so that your knees form a 90-degree angle with the floor. Cross your arms in front of your chest instead of behind your head.

      Fitness balls should be of a size that coordinates with your height to ensure you are doing the exercises safely and properly. Choose a ball that is 22 inches in diameter if you are between 5 feet 1 inch and 5 feet 7 inches tall. Twenty-six-inch balls are appropriate for people between the heights of 5 feet 8 inches and 6 feet 1 inch tall. Adults taller than 6 feet 1 inch should use a fitness ball measuring 30 inches around.

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