How to Get Rid of Male Chest Fat

Not all men have perfect bodies, but fat in the chest can be lost with diet and exercise.
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Not generally considered a sexy feature on a man, chest fat can be reduced through the combination of a healthy diet, strength-training that targets the chest muscles and aerobic exercise to facilitate weight loss throughout the entire body. Fat patterns within the body are due to lifestyle and genetics, making it impossible to spot-reduce a trouble area, but with hard work and patience, even those individuals who are more prone to fatty chests can shed overall body weight and strengthen the muscles to look better over time.

    Measure your chest around the fullest area using a flexible tape measure, as well as the area directly under your pectoral muscles. Write down these numbers, and use them in the future to determine whether your chest has changed size. Take a picture of your chest in a well-lit area, another way that you will be able to tell if you are making progress with losing chest fat.

    Eat a healthy diet that consists of approximately 2,500 calories per day or less, depending on your current intake and weight level. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables each day, along with lean proteins and healthy fats. Substitute whole grains for white bread and pasta, and choose low-fat dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt and milk. Drink plenty of water each day to help you feel full and to keep your body properly hydrated. Avoid all junk foods, soft drinks and processed sugar as much as possible.

    Lift weights, or take part in weight-training activities, at least three times per week. Focus on your upper body during at least two of these sessions. Bicep curls done with free weights, bench presses and the pectoral fly machine are good for working out both the arms and the chest at the gym. Simple push-ups, the yoga plank pose and stretching a resistance band with your hands are good exercises to do when you do not have any equipment available. Work out your upper body for at least 30 minutes at a time.

    Strengthen your chest muscles with targeted exercises, such as the lying dumbbell pec fly. Pick up two free weights and lie down on a bench with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Hold each weight near your ears with your arms bent. Slowly lift the weights until your arms are straight in the air above you. Lower back down and repeat 15 to 20 times. For wall pushups, stand facing a wall with your hands by your sides. Place your palms on the wall in front of you and lean forward toward the wall. Use your arms and chest muscles to push yourself off of the wall. Repeat 20 to 50 times, depending on your current fitness level.

    Participate in a moderate-intensity aerobic workout at least three days per week for a minimum of 45 minutes per session. This could include activities such as jogging, cycling, dancing and swimming. The goal is to get your heart rate up so that you burn calories, helping you lose weight and strengthen your muscles at the same time.

    Things You'll Need

    • Flexible tape measure

    • Camera

    • Resistance band

    • Free weights


    • See your physician if the fatty deposits in your chest do not begin to reduce after a few months of good diet and exercise habits. You might have a condition know as gynecomastia, where hormones cause your breast tissue to enlarge without gaining weight in other parts of your body. According to the Medical Center at Ohio State University, hormone therapy, liposuction and surgery are treatments that are often used for this condition.

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