How to Build Muscle Without Creatine

Adequate protein is essential to building muscle mass.
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High creatine stores allow you to perform multiple sets with heavy weights for a longer time. Although creatine is produced by your body and found in meats, the safety of creatine supplements is not fully known. Fortunately, you don't need creatine supplements to build muscles. Eat properly and work out to bulk up safely.

    Perform high-resistance training. According to the Bruin Resource Centre at the University of California at Los Angeles, this is the key to muscle growth. This means lifting heavy weights for just a few reps to strain your muscles, causing them to grow stronger over time.

    Increase your food intake. It take calories to build muscle -- according to registered dietitian Nancy Clark, you'll need to increase your caloric intake by about 500 calories per day to add a pound of muscle per week.

    Consume an adequate amount of protein. When you're working to build muscle, you'll need to consume 0.8 grams of protein for every pound you weight. Get protein from sources that are low in saturated fats such as lean meats, beans, fish and low-fat milk products. Don't overload on protein, however -- according to registered dietitian Andrea Rudser-Ruskin, excess protein is converted to fat.

    Eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Many people who are trying to build muscle focus exclusively on protein, but carbohydrates provide you with the energy you need to work out. Rudser-Ruskin recommends maintaining a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein.


    • Do not take androstendione or other pro-hormone supplements. These supplements may have unwanted side-effects such as acne, hair loss and prostate enlargement.

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