Which Gets Rid of More Belly Fat: Running or Cycling?

Running is hard to beat for calorie burning.
i Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Ready to fight back against stomach fat with cardio? Running and cycling both melt calories and build lean muscle mass, fighting obesity while building a faster metabolism for maintenance. However, neither activity works directly on belly fat; in fact, no exercise does. Losing weight through cardio, weight training, and intensity workouts is the best way to lose weight and achieve overall health benefits. Strength training is another great way to break up cardio, even if you just use your body weight you will see reduced back pain and greater fat loss. It’s also important to couple cardio exercises (elliptical or indoor cycling) with eating fewer calories than you’re consuming and healthy eating overall.

About Running

Running is one of the most efficient calorie-burning activities out there, however it is also one of the most high-impact sports. It's also one of the most intensive, and you may not be able to sustain it for long if you're out of shape now. However, you can do interval training where you switch between high intensity speeds to low intensity speed. In addition to shredding calories fast, running increases lung capacity and cardiovascular efficiency. Running will also work your leg muscles and burn belly fat. In addition, beginners need to ease slowly into new running routines; starting off will lower physical activity and work your way up into more moderate intensity workouts.

About Cycling

Cycling is a low-impact form of exercise, and can be used for commuting as well. Cycling will get you places faster but it won’t burn body fat as quick as running will. Since cycling is also an aerobic exercise, you'll enjoy increased heart rate and cardiovascular function. Getting on an exercise bike will be higher intensity than a street bike and will be a whole body workout. There are also personal trainers and classes for cyclists that will provide HIIT type workouts to burn a high number of calories. Although cycling is a low-impact workout, it can be a high intensity workout.


Running at 5 mph torches 606 calories per hour if you weigh 160 pounds. Cycling at 10 mph burns just 292 calories per hour at the same weight, says MayoClinic.com. So running will burn more fat in most situations, but it is an intense exercise that puts pressure on your joints. However, you won't burn the calories if you can't maintain speed; it may be necessary to alternate walking and running intervals while you build endurance. In addition, you can maximize your calorie burning on a bike by heading uphill, or by adjusting the difficulty level on a stationary bike. Ultimately, the best exercise is the one that you enjoy enough to stick with.


No matter which exercise you pick, dietary choices matter -- a lot. For weight loss, Mayo Clinic recommends that women eat 1,200 calories a day. This doesn't mean skimping on nutrients, but it means paying close attention to your calorie intake and being in a calorie deficit (if weight loss is your overall goal). Choose plenty of fresh produce, which has filling fiber and water for lasting satiety. Get your carbs from minimally-processed foods such as wild rice and sprouted-grain bread, and your proteins from low-fat sources like tofu and egg whites. Paying close attention to your diet as well as working out on a regular basis will also help with high blood pressure.

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