How to Gain Weight in 2 Weeks by Eating

Avocado is a nutrient-rich, energy-dense food.
i Zedcor Wholly Owned/ Images

While most people want to prevent weight gain, there are some who want to put weight on. The key to gaining weight is to stick to a nutritious diet and eat more calories. Rather than eating high-sugar, high-fat foods to pack on the pounds, opt for energy-dense foods that are high in calories and nutrient-rich. That way, you'll achieve your goal of gaining weight in two weeks without sacrificing your health.

    Step 1

    Increase your caloric intake. One pound of body weight is equal to 3,500 calories. That means, to gain 2 pounds in two weeks, you need to increase your daily caloric intake by 500 calories.

    Step 2

    Eat more often. It's hard to take in enough calories when you limit yourself to three meals a day. Eat three to four meals a day, plus three to four substantial snacks.

    Step 3

    Snack often. Keep nuts, dried fruit, containers of yogurt and cottage cheese and protein-rich smoothie ingredients on hand.

    Step 4

    Increase portion size. At each meal, eat more than you normally would. Have an extra serving of lean chicken breast, another slice of whole-grain bread or an extra serving of your morning oatmeal.

    Step 5

    Choose nutritious, energy-dense foods. Energy-density is a measure of how may calories a food has per gram or other measurement. The more calories it has, the more energy dense it is. With 9 calories per gram, fat is the most energy-dense food. But not all fats are equal. Choose heart-healthy unsaturated fats such as olive and canola oil, rather than saturated fats such as butter. Nuts and nut butters and full-fat dairy are other energy-dense foods. To increase the energy-density of your meal, drizzle olive oil over lightly steamed green beans, blend cashews into a smoothie, dip apple slices in nut butter and drink a glass of whole milk with each meal.


    • It's important to continue to exercise while you attempt to gain weight. Strength training will ensure that the extra calories you're taking in become muscle, not fat. A few sessions of moderate cardiovascular exercise each week will keep your heart and lungs healthy.


    • Consult your doctor before beginning a weight-gain diet plan.

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