Exercises With a Medicine Ball to Lose Belly Fat

Try doing medicine ball sit-ups with a partner.
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Belly fat can mean different things to different people. A young woman may think she has a fat belly when it's really a matter of weak muscles from carrying a couple of kids to term. On the other hand, some people, especially as they age, gain weight in the mid-section that, according to a 2012 study by the Mayo Clinic, could cause particular health risks, even for those considered to be normal weight. Medicine ball exercises are a great way to build weak muscles. However, burning fat requires a calorie deficit created by burning more calories through cardio exercises than you take in. Engaging in strength-training exercises at the same time will build more lean mass and ensure that the weight you lose comes from fat rather than muscle.


Done properly, crunches work not just the rectus abdominis that runs down your mid-section, but the deeper transverse abdominis that makes it easier to "suck in" your middle. A medicine ball adds resistance, challenging your muscles even more. Start in a normal crunch position with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. With your elbows out to the side, hold the ball just above your chest as you perform the crunch. Then, at the top of the move, thrust the ball out in front of you as you concentrate on pulling your stomach muscles in toward your backbone. Return to the starting position while bringing the ball back in toward your chest.


For sit-ups you'll start in the same position with the ball over your chest. The difference is that sit-ups concentrate more on the rectus abdominis because you keep your upper body aligned and your eyes toward the ceiling rather than crunching. Doing these before or instead of crunches will still strengthen your muscles but might cause your stomach to stick out more than you'd like. Lift your shoulders using you abs and thrusting your arms out at the top of the move as you did with the crunch, but this time, toss the ball up and catch it before starting your return. This move requires an extra lift, providing more challenge to your muscles.


Medicine ball twists work your obliques -- the muscles that define your waist. While you will sit up for these, it's important to keep your knees slightly bent to prevent back strain. If this is uncomfortable, ACE Fitness recommends supporting your lower back with a cushion, or you could use a foam roller. Hold the ball close to your body, about midway between your navel and chest, with your elbows pointing down. It is very important to keep your abs contracted throughout and your torso aligned. Twist from side to side, keeping the ball and your elbows close. Twist to the point where the weight of the ball provides resistance for your obliques. You can also work obliques the same way you would do crunches or sit-ups but thrusting the ball to side instead of straight up.


Simply put, plyometric exercises involve some form of "explosive" motion, like a jump. In addition to working your muscles, plyometric exercises have the added benefit of requiring more energy. Done immediately following your cardio, exercises like the medicine ball chop work your abs while keeping your heart rate up and thus burning more calories. To do the chop, stand with your feet wide apart, bending over one foot and holding the ball with your arms extended. Keeping your arms extended, form an arch by lifting the ball up over your head and then down to the other foot.

Stability Ball Variations

To up the challenge, try doing these exercises on a stability ball. When doing crunches, roll your hips forward on the ball to create more of a "hollow" in your midsection. Add to your obliques workout by doing chops while sitting straight up on the stability ball and as you reach over in front of one foot, roll your hip out on that side.

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