Does Exercise Speed Up Your Period?

No, sorry, this won't make your period end sooner.
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It's probably best to be blunt: Nope, no way, no how does exercise speed up your period. Regular old exercise is never going to make your period shorter. Sure, it's a good idea to keep working out before and during your period, but don't expect your period to end a day or two early. It's not going to happen.

Heavy Exercise Might Prevent Your Period

    You probably learned this back in sex ed, but maybe you could use a refresher: Super intense workouts -- the kind you'll be doing if you're a professional athlete -- could prevent you from having a period. If you're not a professional athlete or a long-distance runner, you probably shouldn't be working out hard enough to make this happen. Extreme weight loss over a short period can also cause your period to stop, but that's unhealthy. If you go more than three months with no period, schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN.

    If you do this regularly, you might stop a period.

No Reason Not to Exercise

    Of course, regular exercise isn't going to hurt you. By all means, continue your regular routine, up to an hour, several times a week. Make a few accommodations if you're extra tired. Yoga provides a great menstrual workout. Plus, there's no harm in taking a leisurely walk or reducing the intensity of your jog. You'll get all the usual health and fitness benefits.

    You may feel like this, but don't stop moving altogether.

It Might Even Make Your Period Seem Faster

    If you keep up some semblance of your usual workout routine before and during your period, it can reduce PMS symptoms. So, even though your period will last the same amount of time, it might feel shorter because you'll feel better during it. You'll have a little more energy and a little less pain. It's no magical fix, but it's a pretty good incentive.

    Exercise won't shorten your period, but it might reduce P.M.S.

You Can Stop Your Period

    Nowadays, doctors think it's safe to take continual birth control hormones -- and skip the monthly bleeding altogether. It's called menstruation suppression. That's right: You have a choice. If you have severe menstrual pain and bleeding, or even if you just plain don't like your period, talk to your OB/GYN to find out if you're a good candidate.

    There are birth control regimens that reduce the number of periods.

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