How to Erase Stubborn Back Fat

You cannot choose where to eliminate and where to keep fat.
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If you feel like you have as much cleavage along the back of your bra as you do in the front, don’t get discouraged. Back fat can be stubborn and resistant, but with a clear-cut plan, you can eliminate it. However, it's important to remember that you cannot choose where to eliminate fat. By losing weight everywhere, you will eventually lose the extra fat in your back as well. And by toning your back at least three times per week, when the extra fat is gone, your toned, sexy back muscles will be revealed.

    Step 1

    Perform cardio exercises 30 to 60 minutes each day to lose extra fat in your body. Try swimming, biking, jogging or dancing – anything that gets you moving and increases your heart rate.

    Step 2

    Reduce your diet by 500 calories every day to lose 1 pound per week. Skip soda and junk food. Choose to eat more fruits, vegetables and lean meat.

    Step 3

    Use the rowing machine for a change in your cardio routine and to tone your back. After warming up, row as fast as you can for one minute. Perform pushups for one minute. Return to the rowing machine for one minute. Do situps for one minute. Return to the rowing machine for one minute. Do jumping jacks for one minute. Return to the rowing machine for one minute. Repeat five times for a full cardio rowing session.

    Step 4

    Do the dumbbell lying row. Lie on your stomach on a bench with your legs straight and your toes on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Straighten your arms, lowering the dumbbells toward the floor. Bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells upward until your upper arms are just above your back. Lower your arms back down. Repeat 15 times.

    Step 5

    Work your back with the TYI. Lie on your stomach on a mat. Put your legs together. Extend your arms out to the sides, forming a “T” with your body. Lift your arms off of the floor, pushing your shoulder blades together. Hold for five seconds. Lower your arms back onto the floor. Repeat 20 times. Move your arms upward to form a “Y” with your body. Raise your arms off the floor, pushing your shoulder blades together. Hold for five seconds. Lower your arms back down. Repeat 20 times. Move your arms over your head, forming an “I” with your body. Lift your arms off the floor, pushing your shoulder blades together. Hold for five seconds. Repeat 20 times.

    Step 6

    Stretch your back. Place your hands and knees on a mat. Sit back onto your calves and move your knees slightly outward. Keep your hands flat on the mat with your arms stretched in front of you. Move your shoulders downward. Hold the stretch for one minute.


    • If you feel pain while stretching, stop.


    • Talk to your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program.

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