Do You Have to Wait a Day in Between AB Workouts?

Give your abs one to two days of rest in between workouts.
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Even though you don't typically lift dumbbells or barbells to strengthen the abdominals, ab exercises are still strength training activities. They're effective at increasing strength and tone in your core because they force your muscles to lift more of your body weight than they're used to. This stress damages the major muscle in your abs, the rectus abdominus, and to build a six-pack and build strength, you've got to give the muscle time to heal. If you do your workouts appropriately, the rectus abdominus needs at least 48 hours of rest in between training sessions.

Abdominal Workouts

Your ab workouts are similar to any other strength training workout. You may not use any weighted implements, but your muscles do have to overcome resistance. It’s just that your body weight serves as the resistance your muscles lift and lower. This stress is what causes your muscles to develop. If you are consistent with your workouts and do enough sets and repetitions, you’ll see improvements in strength and tone.

Importance of Rest

Your ab muscles develop during the time between workouts. Workouts break down the ab muscles, which mean they cause damage to the tissue. This damage is an important component for am effective strength training workout. Your body works to repair the tissue, and it’s during this process that you’ll see improvements in strength and tone. If you were to work out again before your muscles have healed, you’ll be limiting the benefits you receive from training.

Appropriate Amount of Rest

How much rest your abs need between workouts depends on the volume of your sessions. A day off in between is adequate in most circumstances, which means you’d be able to fit in three ab workouts per week. However, if you do a workout that consists of multiple exercises completed for numerous sets, it’s likely that your abs are going to need slightly more time to thoroughly heal. If you still feel sore on the day you’re scheduled to work out, push it back another day.

Increasing Intensity

If you were originally interested in doing ab workouts everyday because you’re looking for significant changes, increase the intensity of your sessions by incorporating weighted implements. A medicine ball can be held at your chest or with arms extended during crunches, increasing how much weight your abs have to lift. If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can use a dumbbell. Incorporate an element of instability by doing your crunches on a Swiss ball. This increases the stress your abs undergo to better bring about strength and tone developments.

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