Disadvantages of Cardiovascular Workouts

As a muscular organ, your heart needs its workout to stay toned.
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Cardiovascular workouts get your heart pumping blood faster, optimizing circulation and oxygen absorption. Unless your doctor says the high-intensity activity is not for you, you’ll benefit from including cardio exercises in your fitness program. But, as with most everything, this type of workout also has its shortcomings. Being aware of that will help you create a balanced exercise routine that comes with less potential for injuries.

Physical Injuries

Not all, but many cardiovascular workouts such as running and dancing are high-impact activities that put stress on your joints. Doing them repetitively can cause a variety of physical injuries from less serious -- but still painful -- heel spurs to more severe issues, including hip and knee problems.


Increased energy, one of the benefits of cardio workouts, can backfire and keep you from having some down time. To prevent intense exercise from interfering with your sleep, do it in the morning or early enough in the evening for you to have time to come down from your high before half the night is over.

Raised Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular workouts are designed to put a healthy level of stress on your heart to keep it toned. The accelerated heart rate increases blood pressure temporarily, which is beneficial to most people. Others with certain medical conditions, however, might respond adversely to the intensity of the workout. To prevent a heart attack or another negative reaction from cardio exercise, talk to your doctor about your medical history and get a checkup to rule out any health problems.

Increased Calorie Intake

In a 2010 article published online in “The New York Times,” Gretchen Reynolds writes on exercise and weight loss. Citing Professor Eric Ravussin, an expert on weight loss, Reynolds reports that Ravussin says that exercise alone, including cardio, doesn't generally promote weight loss. This happens because people tend to take in more calories when they work out, replenishing the burned energy and even adding more. You must also change your eating habits for weight loss.

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