How to Deal With a Stalking Coworker Without Affecting My Job

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in eight stalking victims misses work as a direct result of stalking victimization. Stalking is no longer limited to the physical realm. There are also cyberstalkers who stalk over the Internet, including social media sites. When your stalker is a co-worker, it does not mean you have to tolerate the behavior. It's possible to handle the situation in such a way that it does not affect your job.

    Step 1

    Show up to work in spite of the stalking co-worker. Resist the urge to call in sick or miss work. Missing work may negatively impact your paycheck, and it can also decrease your performance metrics and company productivity.

    Step 2

    Document the stalkerish behavior in a journal, including the dates and times of each stalking incident. Write down the details of the incident, including the location and what made you feel as if you were being stalked. Do not communicate or socialize with the co-worker, since doing so may encourage the stalking behavior even more.

    Step 3

    Stop giving the co-worker access to you outside of the workplace. This includes access through social media sites, such as FaceBook, Pinterest and Myspace. Remove the co-worker from your friends' list. Most of these social media sites have privacy settings you can adjust to completely block the individual from viewing or accessing your page.

    Step 4

    Talk to your supervisor or boss to let him know that a co-worker is stalking you. Preface the conversation by saying you would like for the conversation to remain confidential so as not to affect your job. Provide written documentation to your supervisor, including the dates and times you noticed the co-worker stalking you. Explain what led you to believe you are being stalked. Discuss how the stalking is affecting your work. Perhaps you frequently miss work to avoid being around the stalker. Maybe you're unable to focus and perform at your best on the job.

    Step 5

    Ask your supervisor to move you to a different department, if you and the stalker work in the same department. No one has to know why you moved. It's confidential between you and your boss. For smaller companies, moving to another department may not be an option. If that's the case, ask if you can transfer to a new location.

    Step 6

    Get a protection from stalking order (PFS) from your local court. Local law enforcement will serve the stalker with a copy of the order. The order requires the stalker to avoid contact with you. If the stalker violates the protective order, you can seek arrest.

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