Job Corps is a federally sponsored work training program where participants ages 16 to 24 reside at a training facility and gain technical job skills. While it is possible that you may attend a center outside of your area of residence, this is not typical. Your placement is normally based on your home location and your desired career training area.
Job Corps Centers
According to its website, Job Corps has more than 100 training locations across the U.S. Each state typically has one to five centers, depending on the size of the population. Many centers are live-in facilities, which means you live in residence while receiving training. Some do have nonresident programs, which allow you to live off campus with family or on your own while receiving training.
Training Variability
In most cases, you must attend a center close to your current residence. This requirement is likely for your benefit so you can stay connected to family, friends and others in the area. If you do want an exception, you have to discuss your reasoning with a Job Corps admissions counselor. A common reason for a different placement is available training. Each center offers different technical programs. If you have a strong desire for a program unavailable in a local market, you may receive approval to attend a different center.
Other Residential Considerations
In addition to the typical local center requirement, you normally have to share a room with anywhere from one to seven roommates, according to the Job Corps site. Some facilities have more rooms but smaller spaces. Others have fewer rooms, but you share a somewhat larger space with more roommates. Job Corps does offer child care assistance at some of its centers so you can attend and participate even with small children.
Family Advantages
Going to a center near your family is beneficial if you rely on parents and other family members for support. Your parents or guardians can visit you at your center with advance notice. The centers also provide transportation to your home on your first visit after starting the program, assuming the visit is during the standard breaks in the winter and summer. They also transport you home after you finish. You can arrange for other trips home at your own expense.
Writer Bio
Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.