Can You Burn More Calories on a Small Trampoline Than a Treadmill?

Jogging on a treadmill is an effective way to burn calories.
i Ian Wyatt/Photodisc/Getty Images

Whether you're new to the world of fitness or have been exercising daily for years, avoiding workout boredom can keep you on track to hitting your goals. If you've faithfully walked or jogged on a treadmill and long for something a little more entertaining, jogging on a small trampoline provides a different type of aerobic workout. If burning calories is your goal, however, the treadmill is the better way to exercise.

Treadmill Calories Burned

    The number of calories you'll burn during your treadmill workout depends on your speed -- a walk on the treadmill will burn calories significantly slower than a jog. To simulate the wind resistance you face outdoors, always set your treadmill's incline to 1 percent. Harvard Medical School notes a 155-pound person will burn 167 calories during a 30-minute walk at 4 mph, 298 calories during a 30-minute jog at 5 mph and 372 calories during a 30-minute jog at 6 mph.

Trampoline Calories Burned

    Although jogging on a small trampoline burns more calories than bouncing on a large trampoline, you still won't burn calories as quickly as walking or jogging on a treadmill. CalorieLab reports a 155-pound person will burn about 124 calories during a 30-minute jog on a small trampoline. This number is slightly fewer than the calories you'll burn during a 30-minute walk but well below the calories you'll burn during a jog.

Treadmill and Trampoline Benefits

    Whether you choose to exercise on a treadmill or a trampoline, each device contributes to an aerobic workout that provides a multitude of health benefits. According to, aerobic exercise boosts your immune system, improves your endurance, keeps you healthy by lessening your risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure, reduces your stress levels and increases your lifespan.

Burning Calories

    If losing weight is your chief goal of exercising regularly, keeping count of the rough number of calories you burn can help you keep on track. notes burning 3,500 calories more than you consume, which is typically possible over the course of a week, will help you lose 1 pound of fat. If you plan on exercising daily, aim to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day to reach a total of 3,500 calories by the end of the week.

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