Bad Jobs for Someone Who Is Accident Prone

Accident prone people: Gardening is not for you.
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If you're a bit of a klutz, then circus knife thrower probably isn't the job for you. But even more traditional occupations can make bad jobs for the accident prone. And clumsy Claras are more common than you might think. One in every 29 people has a 50 percent higher chance of having an accident. Or, to put it another way, there are 10 million butterfingers in America.


    Surgeons require a steady hand, nerves of steel -- and the ability not to accidentally cut off the wrong leg or take out the wrong kidney. That's why surgeons are rarely accident-prone. If you think there's a chance that you could finish sewing up a patient, then hear your cell phone ring from inside that patient because you mislaid it, then it might be best to avoid a medical career altogether.

Airline Pilot

    Around 70 percent to 80 percent of airplane crashes are caused by human error. If "Human Error" is your middle name, then airline pilot is not the job for you. Accident prone pilots could be putting dozens of lives at risk every time they press the wrong button or trip up over the control stick. Even flying a cargo plane is best avoided if you're accident prone. A mistake at 30,000 feet can be far more costly than one at ground level.

Window Cleaner

    Window cleaners spend a lot of their time up ladders. Accident-prone people spend at least some of their time falling off or tripping over ladders. Thus, window cleaner is not a perfect job for an accident prone person. The same goes for other ladder-based jobs, including construction worker, decorator and librarian. If you must become a window cleaner, it might be a good idea to invest in a long-armed hose to reach those top windows, and leave the ladder at home.

Restoration Specialist

    Restoration specialists touch up valuable artwork and pieces of antique furniture, restoring them to former glories. Like surgeons, they need steady hands and precision with their tools. Of course, when working with items that cost thousands or millions of dollars, being accident prone could be costly. One slip of the hand and you could be adding a mustache to the Mona Lisa. That's why you don't see too many accident-prone restorers in the Louvre or Smithsonian.


    Being accident prone might raise a few chuckles for those around you. After all, everyone likes to see someone slip on a banana peel. But, consider for a moment that being accident prone could be a sign of other medial conditions. For example, "The Seattle Times" reports that consistently having accidents could suggest adult attention deficit disorder, ear infections or psychological distress. So before you rule out any jobs, it's worth speaking to a doctor about your chronic klutziness.

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