How to Tell if You Blew the Interview

Warning signs include interviewers who are unprepared or late.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

It’s always a disappointment when you don’t get an offer, particularly if you thought the job interview went well. You wonder if there was a clue you missed or some sign that the interview wasn’t going as well as you thought it was. If you pay close attention to the things the interviewer does and doesn’t say, you just might find a few clues that can indicate that you’ve blown the interview.


    If an employer is interested in you, she’ll have plenty of questions for you. She’ll want to hear about your previous experience and what special skills you can bring to the job. When you’re out the door 20 minutes after you’ve arrived, it’s often a sign that she’s decided that interviewing you is just not worth her time. A quick interview isn’t always a bad sign. Some people are just speedy interviewers, but if you barely get a chance to discuss your qualifications, you’re probably not going to get the job.

Lack of Detail

    Employers don’t go into great detail about a job if they’ve decided that a candidate isn’t a good fit. Be concerned if the employer doesn’t tell you much about the job or the company during the interview. If she’s impressed with you, she’ll want you to know why it’s a great company and how many benefits it offers to employees. If the employer provides only vague responses, even when you ask specific questions about the job, you’ve probably blown the interview.

Interviewer's Demeanor

    Pay attention to the interviewer’s mood and demeanor during the interview. An interviewer who is truly interested in you will smile, nod and act interested in what you are saying. Interviewers who fail to make eye contact, seem overly interested in a notepad or papers, yawn repeatedly or act bored aren’t likely to recommend you for a second interview. The U.S. News and World Report Money website notes that it’s also a bad sign if the interview doesn’t respond positively to stories about your past accomplishments. Even worse are interviewers who decide to take a phone call or have a non-urgent conversation with an employee during the interview. If an employer is interested in you, she’ll focus her complete attention on you and won’t be distracted.

Ending Statement

    The way the interviewer ends the interview is an important clue. An employer who half-heartedly thanks you for interviewing probably won’t be calling you for a second interview. Neither will those who wish you luck in your job search. The Grantham University website notes that employers who mention that they’ll be talking to many other candidates or can’t provide specific next steps probably aren’t interested in hiring you. An employer who is interested in you will end the interview on a positive note and let you know when you can expect to hear from her.

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