Right-Brain and Left-Brain Training in the Workplace

Visual cues are just one way to train a right-brained person.
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Any given workplace will likely have a combination of right- and left-brained people. Training, therefore, must be diverse so all employees can learn in their own way. That’s because each side of our brain correlates to different processes. Whereas the right side of our brain tends to process information visually and intuitively, our left side is more logical and process oriented, with a tendency to depend on reasoning versus big-picture thinking.

Right-Brain Training: Big-Picture Ideas

    Right-brained people tend to think in big ways, with much of their cognitive processing relying on big-picture ideas, intuitive thinking and holistic learning. When it comes to workplace training, you can better cater to right-brained individuals by demonstrating how an idea or process relates to the big picture. For instance, if your workplace collects all customer receipts at the end of the day, let your employee know why. If the corporate office collects receipts for record-keeping purposes, explain that to the employee so he or she understands the importance of the process. When you tie ideas to big-picture processes, the right-brained learner tends to better grasp and connect to the concept.

Right-Brain Training: Visual Cues

    Right-brained individuals learn ideas and processes with visual demonstration. When training, be sure to include visual cues throughout your presentation or training session. Ideas include poster boards, handouts and role playing. These activities stimulate the right side of the brain, allowing right-brained individuals to better absorb and process information. Games that involve simultaneous tasks or strategy also provide an effective way to train a right-brained employee, because they require big-picture thinking.

Left-Brain Training: Sequential Learning

    Left-brained people tend to think in an orderly, organized fashion. They take information and arrange it in order, drawing conclusions thereafter. Trainers can cater to left-brained learners by creating lists, organizational charts and syllabuses with step-by-step processes that allow left-brained learners to better process information. Always encourage notes, because left-brained individuals are generally eager to write information down in order to better process and make sense of given information.

Left-Brain Training: Orderly, Private Environment

    Left-brained individuals prefer a tidy learning environment. Keep training materials neatly stored, with learning materials such as chalkboards, poster boards or other materials in plain view and little clutter elsewhere. Left-brained individuals often prefer working alone, so be sure to create a balance in your training curriculum that caters to group and individualized projects.

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