How to Ride a Bike to Lose Weight

Hit the trails or ride through the neighborhood to shed excess weight.
i Creatas/Creatas/Getty Images

Let's face it -- if there's flab to lose, exercise is going to have to enter the equation at some point. Dieting can help you lose the jiggly arms and legs, along with a jelly belly, but it won't help you get the lean body that exercise offers. Riding a bike is a convenient, effective way to lose the flab and build muscle for a toned body you're proud to flaunt.

    Step 1

    Ride the bicycle for one hour per day to burn 500 calories, meaning you can pedal away 1 pound of flab each week by riding daily.

    Step 2

    Blast fat and burn more calories by adding intervals into your cycling workouts. Ride faster or uphill for 30 to 60 seconds after cycling for four to five minutes at your normal pace. Do interval training one or two times per week to help shed excess weight.

    Step 3

    Add one long-distance bike ride into your weekly exercise routine to work toward a jiggle-free body. Aim for a bike ride that's 90 minutes or longer, maintaining a steady moderate pace throughout the ride.

    Step 4

    Build muscles and create a lean physique by doing strength-training exercises two to three times per week, for 15 to 20 minutes per session, in addition to bike-riding.

    Step 5

    Ditch the fat- and sugar-laden food for a healthier diet that gives you energy for your bike rides. Eat fresh fruits and veggies, lean sources of protein, whole grains and low- to non-fat dairy.


    • Combine a calorie-reduced diet with bike riding for a more effective weight-loss plan. Cut 500 calories per day -- without dipping below 1,200 calories -- to lose an additional 1 pound of flab per week.


    • Check in with your doctor before starting any exercise or diet plan.

    Things You'll Need

    • Bicycle

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