Personality Types A, B & C at Work

Employees usually fit into one of three personality types.
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It's unavoidable to have an office full of personalities that clash. Every person is different and has various motivations. These personalities are classified into types, which include A, B and C. These types are distinct from one another in the way they think, act and interact with each other. When it comes to operating within a work environment, management must employ different strategies for employees with different personality types.

Type A

    Employees with a type A personality are those management regards as self-starters. Type A personalities have an entrepreneurial spirit and are always looking for ways to be better in their job. They're independent and come across as authoritative because of their directness. People with an A personality welcome change and usually delegate routine duties to other people. They often own their business, manage or work in sales.

Type B

    Type B personalities are usually more socially oriented workers. They thrive on being the center of attention and are impatient and demanding due to their high level of energy. Because of their need to be in the center, they're great in sales, advertising, marketing and public speaking roles. They're also supportive of co-workers and are direct, like type A personalities. The B personality is often in radio and TV. These people thrive on the affection and approval of others and are hurt by rejection.

Type C

    The C personality is all about the details. These types of personalities fit well with roles as accountants, engineers, programmers and analysts. They take details and accuracy seriously. They also tend to dress neatly and micromanage their lives down to the buttons on their suits. Type C personalities believe highly in logic and order. They dislike superfluous information and want only the facts. They enjoy routine and have a certain way of doing things to get the desired results.

Managing Different Personality Types

    Manage Type A personalities by giving them opportunities to work toward. Success motivates them, and having the carrot of a leadership position in front of them yields the best results. Social needs and recognition drive Type B personalities. Put them in positions where they work within groups where management can handle them directly and personally praise or reward them for good work. Type C employees perform their best in internal processing positions, such as auditing or accounting. Motivate them by giving them problems to solve and a routine that changes very little.

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