How to Let a Potential Employer Know I Have an Offer in Writing

Pleasant coorespondence is crucial with an interviewer.
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So, you've endured some interviews, and you've landed an offer. After you celebrate, make sure you pause a moment and consider your negotiating power. Say there are two jobs you really want, and one makes an offer. It's now time to contact the other employer and let her know you've been offered another job. At this point, the employer will have an incentive to quickly make you an offer as well, or pass on you as a candidate. How you phrase and deliver this notification is important to your success in bargaining for the best deal.

    Step 1

    Put it in writing. E-mail the notification, since print letters are somewhat a thing of the past in today's busy business world. You want to deliver promptly and receive a fast answer, so e-mail is your go-to communication forum for this message. Contact the employer you interviewed with specifically rather than sending an e-mail to the general company address. You want to communicate directly to the person who is considering you for the job.

    Step 2

    Use proper salutations such as "Dear" and use the interviewer's full name. Next, write an opening paragraph that is short, but sets the appropriate tone for the message. A "buffer" is appropriate here, as it cushions the news that you've been offered a different job. A buffer might be a "thank you" or a positive fact. For example, "Thank you for the recent opportunity to interview with you on Wednesday, August 16 at ABC Headquarters. I learned a great deal about your company and am excited about the possibility of working with you."

    Step 3

    Deliver the news about the offer in the next paragraph. Write with an "I" to avoid putting the spotlight or pressure on the employee. Rather than saying, "You'll be interested to know that I received an offer," write, "I have just received a job offer from XYZ company, for a full time position as an analyst. I have not accepted the offer yet, as I would like to hear back about your decision first." This message takes pressure away from the reader, but demonstrates that a time-constraint exists and you need a decision soon.

    Step 4

    Close with a goodwill salutation that thanks the interviewer again. For example, "Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon about the investigator position at your company." Sign with a proper salutation such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," and sign your full name at the end of the e-mail. In the subject line, make sure you include your name and the name of the position you applied for. An interviewer will likely meet with dozens of candidates every month, and these specifics will jog her memory about your interview.

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