International Baccalaureate Teacher Certification

All IB teachers benefit from certification.
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The International Baccalaureate Organization is a nonprofit focused on providing International Baccalaureate (IB) educational programs for students ages 3 to 19. As of 2013, there are 1,390 IB World Schools in the United States. These schools focus on preparing learners to become global citizens. Teachers strengthen their knowledge and skills in the IB educational platform by earning educator certificates such as the IB certificate in teaching and learning, the IB certificate in leadership practice, and the IB advanced certificate in teaching and learning. Four certificates are offered.

Benefits of Certification

    IB certification is meant to educate new teachers interested in teaching at an IB school who lacks the previous IB teaching experience. Certification is also meant to be a professional development opportunity for existing IB teachers. IB educator certificates complement the education and training new teachers have earned in the country they wish to teach and are not an alternative form of teacher certification. IB certification is a recognized credential that gives teachers a competitive edge. Included with certification is a lifetime subscription to "IB World" magazine and opportunities for collaboration and networking within the IB community.

Teaching and Learning Certificates

    The IB certificate in teaching and learning is designed for new teachers, pre-service teachers and experienced teachers. It is program specific and teachers choose either primary, middle school or the diploma programs. Teachers learn the principles and standards for the level they want to teach, including teaching, learning, assessment and professional learning practices. The advanced IB certificate in teaching and learning research is for educators who have completed the previous certificate or those who are experienced IB teachers or researchers. The advanced certificate explores IB practices in depth and focuses on contemporary issues, theory and research, according to the International Baccalaureate Organization.

Leadership Certificates

    The IB offers two certificates in leadership. The IB certificate in leadership practice is for educators interested in taking on leadership roles in an IB school. The IB advanced certificate in leadership research is for IB school leaders and administrators who wish to explore and develop the leadership role they serve. These certificates focus on the practices and standards associated with leading an IB World School.

How to Get Certified

    To earn certification, educators must complete an approved university course. Enrollment and registration forms must be submitted to the IB organization and can be found on its website at When you have met the qualifications for a certificate, the organization provides instructions on how to pay the registration fee. Bethel University offers the first online certificate program. Experienced IB teachers taking a non IB-recognized course may be able to earn certification through the portfolio pathway and is explained by the International Baccalaureate Organization.

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